that was a smart move by Bill. The Redhat distro is OK but the SUSE distro has 
passed them.
I haven't used either in a long time though I would like to try SuSe again.

If you are wanting security, the BSD varients are the most secure.
I just installed FreeBSD on an old HD on my desktop machine so I can stay current with it. I agree that FreeBSD is more secure than Linux. (OpenBSD probably being the best?)

but who wants to surf and do word processing on a server platform?
I run Slackware 95% of the time on my desktop machine, though I must admit I don't do a lot of "word processing"

the real problem is OS freaks want to turn their OS into a religion.
Use the right tool for the job, as you say.

when the techno nerds quit hatin' the devil and lovin' god, they started 
worshippin' linus and hating Bill.


You lost me, Mel :)
Martin Klingensmith
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