
Thanks for posting this. What do you think about the patenting of this
technology? Seems to me that by patenting cellulosic ethanol, we run
into the same problems as with many other renewable energy technology.
That is, it may be controlled and owned by private corporations. So the
question becomes not who benefits from cellulosic ethanol, but who
benefits the most. We all may stand to benefit from increased ethanol
production, less petroleum, less pollution, creating jobs, etc. But when
we consider who stands to gain the most, it becomes apparent that if the
technology is in the hands of the few it may be at the expense of the
many. Has anyone heard about cellulosic ethanol technologies which may
be employed at the smaller farm or community scale? As it has been
explained to me, it is a matter of getting the enzymes cheap enough to
make it cost effective--one cannot make the enzymes themselves, they are
a product of biotech. Am I mistaken? What are the enzymes and where do
they come from?

I am looking to write on this general subject and would appreciate
hearing your opinions.

- Dave


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of MH
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:41 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] ethanol from wood

 SUNY researchers find way to make ethanol from wood
 Associated Press Writer
 Jan 13, 2005 

 SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Using nothing more than water,
 State University of New York researchers have devised a
 method for removing energy-rich sugars from wood
 that can be used to produce ethanol.

 The process is still a year or two away from commercial application,
 but researchers at SUNY's College of Environmental Science and
 Forestry and industry officials said they are encouraged it
 will prove economical on a larger scale. 

 If successful, the process will be a boost to both
 New York's fledgling ethanol industry, and profitable for
 pulp and paper makers, said Dr. Thomas Amidon,
 chair of ESF's Paper Science and Engineering faculty. 

 "The process is a natural fit for New York,
 which has more than 18 million acres of
 mostly hardwood forests," Amidon said. 

 Hardwoods _ which contain about four times as much sugar as
 softwood trees _ also cover most of the Northeast and
 central Atlantic states. 

 "This area of cellulosic ethanol is very promising," said
 Monte Shaw, a spokesman for the Renewable Fuels Association,
 a national trade group for the U.S. ethanol fuel industry. 

 "There are a lot of different ideas out there on how to get to
 the cellulose (sugar). We just need one breakthrough," Shaw said. 

 Ethanol is an additive blended with gasoline to reduce
 auto emissions and increase its octane levels. Its use has
 exploded since 2004, when the federal government banned the use
 of the toxic chemical called MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether)
 to enhance the cleaner burning of fuel. About 3.6 billion gallons
 of ethanol were produced last year in the United States,
 according to the RFA. 

 Typically, ethanol is made from corn, but scientists have been
 exploring the use of other crops, as well as grasses and trees. 

 Amidon said wood has several advantages over corn. 

 "Trees can be harvested year round so you don't have to
 stockpile large inventories. They are more efficient energy
 collectors than annual crops. And, trees can be shipped more
 economically," he said. 

 There also is a secondary benefit. The separation process
 also produces acetic acid, which is used primarily in
 manufacturing polyvinyl acetate, a plastic. The commercial value
 of acetic acid is nearly three times that of ethanol, Amidon said. 

 ESF researchers used sugar maples, the state's most common tree,
 but the process is not choosy about the kind of hardwoods used,
 said Amidon. The college has a 1,000-acre willow plantation and
 has been experimenting with the fast-growing shrub as
 another source of ethanol, as well as a biofuel. 

 The work, while still in its testing phases, has received
 support from International Paper, the world's largest paper company.
 Michael Brower, the college's director of governmental relations,
 said International Paper has agreed to try the process at
 its Ticonderoga plant. 

 "The concept of biorefineries has a very promising future
 that we need to explore further," said Dr. Gopaul Goyal,
 an International Paper scientist who is a director on
 the board of the Empire State Paper Research Association,
 which provides funding for such projects. 

 Brower noted that paper makers already have most of the equipment
 they would need to extract the sugar from the wood. Currently,
 paper plants discard the sugar-rich water used in making pulp,
 he said. 

 Empire Biofuels and Northeast Biofuels, the developers of
 New York's two proposed ethanol plants, also are keenly
 interested in the process, Brower said. 

 The process involves using ordinary wood chips, which are
 mixed with water and heated at temperatures between
 140 degrees and 180 degrees centigrade for a specified time. 

 The watery solution that remains after the chips are removed
 is then filtered through a membrane that separates the
 sugars and acetic acid from the water. The sugars are then
 fermented to produced ethanol. 

 "Water is the solvent we use ... if it gets loose
 in the world, it's just water," Amidon said. 

 After the desired components are extracted,
 the residue can be burned or gasified for
 combined heat and power uses, he said. 

 On the Net: 

 National Renewable Energy Labs: www.nrel.gov 

 Renewable Fuels Association: http://www.ethanolrfa.org
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