Three Articles On This Breaking News Follow:

   [1]Rumsfeld to Bypass Munich Conference

   Deutche Welle, 21.01.2005

   US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will not attend the Munich
   Security Conference in February. Some say the cancellation is likely
   due to a war crimes complaint against him that was filed in a German

   The head of the security conference, Horst Teltschik, said in Friday's
   edition of the MŸnchner Abendzeitung newspaper that Rumsfeld will
   instead send the number three official at the Pentagon, Douglas J.
   Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy. "This will disappoint
   many people in Europe, because there is a real need for discussions
   about the Iran crisis," Teltschik told AFP.

   Rumsfeld has excused himself from the high-profile talks on
   international defense policy claiming prior commitments. However, some
   have speculated that his decision not to attend the meeting was
   influenced by a complaint filed against him by a New York-based human
   rights group, the Center for Constitutional Rights.

   In December, the group filed a complaint with the Federal German
   Prosecutor's Office against Rumsfeld, accusing him of war crimes and
   torture due to his involvement in the war in Iraq.

   The defense secretary later sent a message to the German government
   through the US embassy in Berlin that he would not attend the Munich
   meeting if there is a chance a case will be launched against him in
   Germany. However, when he informed the German government he would not
   take part in the conference, he did not refer to the charges filed
   against him.

   Among the participants expected to attend the February 11 to 13
   meeting of security experts from around the world are UN Secretary
   General Kofi Annan, German President Horst Kšhler and German
   Chancellor Gerhard Schršder. Teltschik said that many US senators
   were expected to be in attendance.

   [2]© Deutsche Welle

   [3]Rumsfeld Scraps Munich Visit Over War Probe

   Expatica "News for Expatriots in Germany"
   21 January 2005

   MUNICH - United States Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has cancelled
   a planned visit to Munich. Rumsfeld has informed the German government
   via the US embassy he will not take part at the Munich Security
   Conference in February, conference head Horst Teltschik said.

   The New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights filed a complaint
   in December with the Federal German Prosecutor's Office against
   Rumsfeld accusing him of war crimes and torture in connection with
   detainee abuses at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

   Rumsfeld had made it known immediately after the complaint was filed
   that he would not attend the Munich conference unless Germany quashed
   the legal action.

   The organisation alleges violations of German legislation which
   outlaws war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide independent
   of the place of crime or origin of the accused.

   The prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe reportedly is examining the
   roughly 170-page complaint to see if an investigation is warranted.

   The Center for Constitutional Rights said it and four Iraqis tortured
   in US custody had filed a complaint with German authorities against
   Rumsfeld, former CIA director George Tenet and eight other senior
   military and civilian officials over abuses at Abu Ghraib and
   elsewhere in Iraq.

   The organization said it had turned to German prosecutors "as a court
   of last resort" because the US government "is unwilling to open an
   independent investigation" and had "refused to join the International
   Criminal Court."

   Several of those it wants investigated are stationed in Germany, it

   [4]Rumsfeld Cancels Trip After Accusations

   Friday 21 January 2005 8:27 AM GMT

   US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld cancelled a planned visit to
   Germany after a US human rights organisation asked German authorities
   to prosecute him for war crimes, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) has

   Rumsfeld has informed the German government via the US embassy that he
   will not take part in the Munich Security Conference in February,
   conference head Horst Teltschik told dpa on Thursday.

   The New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights filed a complaint
   in December with the Federal German Prosecutor's Office against
   Rumsfeld accusing him of war crimes and torture in connection with
   detainee abuses at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. Rumsfeld made it known
   immediately after the complaint was filed that he would not attend the
   Munich conference unless Germany quashed the legal action.

   German legislation violations The organisation alleges violations of
   German legislation, which outlaws war crimes, crimes against humanity
   and genocide independent of the place of crime or origin of the

   The prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe reportedly is examining the
   roughly 170-page complaint to see whether an investigation is

   The Centre for Constitutional Rights said it and four Iraqis allegedly
   tortured in US custody filed a complaint with German authorities
   against Rumsfeld, former CIA director George Tenet and eight other
   senior military and civilian officials over abuses at Abu Ghraib and
   elsewhere in Iraq.

   The organisation said it had turned to German prosecutors "as a court
   of last resort" because the US government "is unwilling to open an
   independent investigation" and had "refused to join the International
   Criminal Court."


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