On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:54:47 -0500, Busyditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello list members
> I just got a reply from a local manufacturer of Biodiesel in the NY
> metropolitan area. They are called Environmental Alternatives, and theyre
> located in Brooklyn, NY. I was hoping to buy in 55 gal drums, as I do have a
> secure yard to store them in and all I will need is a drum pump. At the
> price quoted, I will surely be able to afford to end my dependency on fossil
> fuels.
>  Here is the quote from the email
> "we sell B100 in 55 gal drums at $2.50 a gallon + freight...
> Bob Lindenbaum
> Director of Probabilities

That sounds great, considering the price of dino-diesel is very close.
It couldn't hurt to check the quality though:

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

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