I think the economics and political philosophy of recycling can not
only be interesting but at times has gotten just plain strange.
Recycling I guess means two things, identification and disposal of
waste (1st) and then (2nd) use of that waste rather than some sort of
sequestration or "throwing away" as a disposal method.  I guess folks
have a tough enough time paying for number one, and getting to number
2 is just that much tougher or something.  Maybe we had so much of the
Earth to ourselves for so many millenia that we just are having a
tough time with our more "crowded" state.

Looking at the history of the effort to recycle paper, it seems to me
there was some strange volatility of recycled-paper prices.  That is,
I think I read an article once where they said at some point you did
have a lot of entrants into the relatively nascent market, and there
was enthusiasm, or even over-enthusiasm for this new field that had
met previously with skepticism, and then the bottom kind of fell out
of the recycled paper raw feed market and so the business went back to
being viewed skeptically?  Well, that's my recollection.

Well, I'm sure there are University Professors out there doing all
sorts of interesting and terribly important theses which are pertinent
to the Economics of Recycling, except their ideas will probably become
mainstream decades after they might have done us any good.  Heck, it's
taken me years just to get some folks to understand that regenerative
braking arguably amounts to recycling energy of motion, but I guess
that's getting a bit off my point, and a bit away from regular
recycling concepts.

>it's free for the taking. Biodieselers are a great way to localise 
>the collection of waste oils effectively.
>I also saw this, but haven't managed to confirm it: "Every year, U.S. 
>businesses throw away enough waste vegetable oil to replace 10% of 
>the petroleum products consumed in the country."

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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