----- Original Message -----
From: "Al Rutan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: [thesupersurvivalpost2] Health Problems From Burning Manure

> Back in the 40's the Goverment in India commissioned a chap by the
> name of Ram Bux Singh to develop and promulgate small scale methane
> gas digesters for the rural countryside of India. Reason? India has
> been de-forested by its huge population and there are few natural
> resources to supply for common needs such as fuel for cooking.
> The impetus for this work was the fact that while Indians for the
> most part do not eat meat, yet they have a lot of sacred cows walking
> around leaving cow chips everywhere. So for lack of anything else,
> people would gather these cow chips and burn them for fuel. There
> were so many instances of people going blind from the fumes rising
> from burning manure, the push was on to use this "natural resource,"
> bovine manure and convert it into a form of fuel which does not pose
> a health risk.
> Back in the 60's when John Schuttleworth was still the owner as well
> as the founder of the Mother Earth News, John brought Ram Bux Singh
> to the US and to his folk's farm in Indiana to direct the building of
> a methane gas digester on the Shuttleworth farm. All of this was
> documented in a book published by Mother Earth News.
> As an aside, pioneers crossing the grasslands of the US 150 years ago
> in covered wagons on their trek west were sometimes at a loss for
> fuel on the open prairies. But there were buffalo chips to gather for
> cooking fuel. Some of those folks developed visual problems much like
> the people in India and didn't make the connection to burning raw
> manure as the cause.
> Ram Bux Singh proved that small scale methane generators work. I
> picked up on this work back in the '60's while teaching high school
> in Montana. Many of us were attempting to discourage the strip mining
> of coal which cuts into the acqifer and destroys the ground water
> table.
> Converting animals manure much as human manure has been done in
> sewage plants for over 100 years into useable fuel and enhanced
> fertilizer seemed a natural. And so it has been.
> I am much opposed to animal confinement operations for a variety of
> reasons. However, even animals that free range often deposit a
> considerable amount of manure in one place. Chickens, for instance,
> drop much of their manure under their roosts at night.
> To maintain that a digester has to be big in order to work is much
> like saying that the only airplanes that will fly are big ones like
> the Boeing 747. Piper Cubs and Cessnas simply will not work.
> All of this is detailed at my website:
> http://www.methane-gas.com
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