Lieberman energy plan would slash US oil imports

USA: May 8, 2003

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Lieberman 
will unveil yesterday his national energy plan that aims to slash 
within a decade U.S. oil imports by almost two-thirds and in 20 years 
eliminate the need for foreign oil completely.

Under his plan, Lieberman will call for the United States to reduce 
its dependence on foreign oil by boosting mileage requirements for 
passenger cars, minivans and gas-guzzling SUVs, according to a 
briefing on the plan given to Reuters.

Lieberman believes his plan would make the United States stronger 
globally by relying less on foreign oil, and become stronger 
domestically because it eliminates risks to the U.S. economy and 
would create jobs from new energy-saving technology.

"I'm not going to let foreign countries blow out our families' 
budgets by running up your heating bills and what you pay at the 
pump," Lieberman said in excerpts of his speech to be delivered to 
the Resources for the Future think tank in Washington.

The United States uses about 20 million barrels of oil a day, with 
half that amount imported. Gasoline demand takes 40 percent of all 
oil supplies. One barrel holds 42 gallons.

In his speech, Lieberman will not call for specific increases in the 
federal mileage fuel standards, but will leave it up to 
Transportation Department to determine how much the fuel economy must 
be raised to save 2 million barrels of oil a day by 2015.

Automakers that produce super-efficient vehicles that exceed the 
average fuel economy by 20 percent or more will receive valuable 
pollution credits, which will make it easier to meet expected new 
limits on greenhouse gas emissions.

"Under my plan, if one company decides to build less-efficient cars, 
it will be able to trade with a more efficient automaker so that the 
entire industry reaches our overall goal," Lieberman said.

To encourage consumers to buy alternative-fuel vehicles, Lieberman 
wants to provide a tax credit of at least $1,000 per vehicle, 
increasing up to $5,000 depending on the amount of oil conserved by 
the vehicle.

Other parts of the Lieberman energy plan would:

* Require utilities to generate more of their electricity from 
renewable resources like wind and solar energy.

* Keep the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska closed to oil 
drilling, but encourage drilling in the deep waters of the Gulf of 

* Provide $6.5 billion in research funds to develop hydrogen-powered 
cars, with 100,000 of the vehicles on the road by 2010 and 2.5 
million by 2020.

* Make a $15 billion investment in clean coal technology.

Story by Tom Doggett


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