See also:
Running On Empty -- How Environmentally Harmful Energy Subsidies 
Siphon Billions from Taxpayers
-- A Green Scissors Report 2002
Friends of the Earth
Taxpayers for Common Sense
U.S. Public Interest Research Group

Green Scissors 2003
Read the Report

Green Scissors Shows Congress $58 Billion In Cuts

By J.R. Pegg

WASHINGTON, DC, May 8, 2003 (ENS) - American taxpayers are spending 
$58 billion to fund wasteful and environmentally damaging federal 
programs, charges a new report released today by a coalition of 
environmental, taxpayer and consumer groups.

The Green Scissors 2003 Report says eliminating these 68 federally 
funded programs could put the nation on a path toward fiscal and 
environmental responsibility, but warns that Congress and the Bush 
administration are taking the nation down a different road.

"Congress continues to fund industries and programs that put undue on 
our health, our environment and our economy," according to the 
report. "At a time in history when security is on the minds of all 
Americans, our leaders appear to be actively working to cultivate 
financial and environmental insecurity."

This is the eighth year Friends of the Earth, Taxpayers for Common 
Sense and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) have 
released its lists of wasteful and environmentally harmful programs. 
Over the last eight years, $26 billion in spending programs targeted 
by the Green Scissors Campaign have been cut or eliminated from the 
federal budget.

Congress and the administration, according to the report, have turned 
the nation's $5.6 trillion surplus into a projected deficit of $1.8 
trillion over the next decade.

The report says it is time to cease subsidizing timber sales and the 
extraction of the nation's natural resources. (Photo courtesy Defend 
the Forests)
"This massive and continuing draw on the federal treasury undermines 
our economic security and threatens the stability of essential 
government programs that many Americans rely on for their basic 
needs," the report says.

It slams much of the nation's existing energy policy, in particular 
the Energy Department's fossil fuel research and development 
programs, which it says could cost taxpayers $1.7 billion over the 
next five years. Subsidies to the coal, oil and gas industries should 
be cut, the report finds, because of the environmental damage these 
industries cause.

"These subsidies are going to some of the nation's wealthiest and 
dirtiest companies, leaving a trail of pollution in their wake," 
according to the report.

The government should reject proposals to restart the Tennessee 
Valley Authority's (TVA) Browns Ferry nuclear power plant, according 
to the report, a move that would save at least $2.1 billion. It 
recommends the elimination of the Energy Department's Advanced Fuel 
Cycle Initiative, a nuclear fuel reprocessing program that will cost 
taxpayers $315 million over the next five years.

"With the country facing the worst deficits in history, politicians 
need to dam the river of red ink," said Aileen Roder, program 
director at Taxpayers for Common Sense. "By blocking the tracks of 
the special interest gravy train, we can get our fiscal ship in shape 
and preserve the environment at the same time."

The energy bills under discussion in the House and Senate do little 
to curb many of these harmful program, the coalition says.

"The Senate energy bill is based on 19th century energy policy that 
will cost taxpayers at least twenty billion 21st century dollars and 
will harm public health well into the next century," said U.S. PIRG 
environmental advocate Navin Nayak.

The report criticizes Congress for not reauthorizing the Superfund 
tax on polluters. Polluters benefit from tax breaks, the report 
finds, and the expiration of this tax has come as cleanup has dropped 

Reinstating the tax would earn $5.8 billion for current and future 
Superfund cleanups.

Green Scissors suggests cutting the U.S. Forest Service's timber 
roads construction program, which would save $170 million over five 

The Forest Service has built more than 380,000 miles of roads in 
national forests to subsidize the timber industry. These roads have 
had negative impacts on water quality and wildlife habitat, and has 
left the federal government with a $10 billion backlog in needed road 

"Logging, mining, road building, and other developmental activities 
have destroyed more than half of our national forest," says the 

The $191 million Yazoo Pumps project is part of the U.S. Army Corps 
of Engineers' plan to "replumb" the Mississippi River. (Photo 
courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Congress should cease assistance to large factory farm operations 
through an Agriculture Department program that provides assistance to 
farmers and ranchers seeking to improve the environmental quality of 
their operations, according to the report.

A change in last year's Farm Bill lifted the cap on who could access 
a pool of $11.6 billion over 10 years, allowing the nation's largest 
livestock operations to receive up to $450,000 over six years.

Curbing irrigation subsidies to agricultural industries could save up 
to $1.1 billion a year, according to Green Scissors. Other ill 
advised water policies - such as dredging and flood control - waste 
some $9 billion.

The $1.2 billion Freedom CAR initiative is a waste of money, the 
report finds, because it lacks any meaningful benchmarks to ensure 

Terminating it could save $634 million over the next five years, says 
the report.

"Now is a critical time for federal and state budgets," said Erich 
Pica, senior policy analyst at Friends of the Earth. "It is 
inconceivable that members of Congress and the administration are 
actually proposing more handouts to industries that drill and mine 
our public lands, pollute our air and contaminate our waters."

The full report is available at
Green Scissors

May 8, 2003

Read the Report

Erich Pica, FoE (202)-783-7400 x229
Keith Ashdown, TCS (202) 546-8500 x110
Navin Nayak or Jennifer Mueller, U.S. PIRG, 202-546-9707

Taxpayer and Environmental Coalition Targets $58 Billion
In Wasteful, Environmentally Harmful Programs

[Washington, DC] -Sixty-eight federally funded programs that waste 
$58 billion and damage the environment should be eliminated from the 
federal budget, according to a report released today by Friends of 
the Earth, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and the U.S. Public Interest 
Research Group (PIRG).

"Now is a critical time for federal and state budgets," said Erich 
Pica, senior policy analyst at Friends of the Earth. "It is 
inconceivable that members of Congress and the administration are 
actually proposing more handouts to industries that drill and mine 
our public lands, pollute our air and contaminate our waters."

The Green Scissors 2003 report highlights programs and projects that 
taxpayer, environmental and consumer organizations agree should be 
cut to stop wasteful spending that harms the environment. Over the 
last eight years, $26 billion in environmentally harmful spending 
programs targeted by the Green Scissors Campaign have been cut or 
eliminated from the federal budget.

The Green Scissors Campaign calls on Congress to protect the 
environment and taxpayers as it begins debating the federal budget in 
the coming weeks. "With the country facing the worst deficits in 
history, politicians need to dam the river of red ink," said Aileen 
Roder, program director at Taxpayers for Common Sense. "By blocking 
the tracks of the special interest gravy train, we can get our fiscal 
ship in shape and preserve the environment at the same time."

Among the polluting subsidies in the federal budget targeted by Green 
Scissors 2003 are:

* The failure of Congress to reauthorize the Superfund tax on 
polluters. One in four Americans lives within four miles of a 
Superfund site, but since the Superfund's tax on potential polluters 
was allowed to expire, the pace of cleanups has dropped off 
dramatically, while polluting industries enjoy a $4 million-a-day tax 
* A federal proposal to exempt oil and gas companies from paying 
royalties to extract public resources. Under Congress' new proposal, 
the wealthiest and dirtiest companies would be able to drill on 
public lands for free. States currently receive 50 percent of the fee 
that corporations pay for extracting oil and gas from federal lands. 
These royalties have generated more than $3.7 billion for states in 
the last five years alone and have been an important source of 
revenue for ailing state budgets.
* The Department of Energy's Fossil Fuel Research and Development 
programs. These programs are projected to cost taxpayers $1.7 billion 
over the next five years. As the major source of smog, soot and 
global warming pollution, the fossil fuel industry is a lethal threat 
to public health and the environment. The report calls for all 
subsidies to the coal, oil and gas industries to be cut, thereby 
protecting taxpayers and public health.
* The Forest Service's wasteful and destructive timber roads 
construction program. More than 380,000 miles of roads have been 
built in national forests to subsidize the timber industry. These 
roads harm water quality, fragment wildlife habitat, disrupt 
wildlife-migration routes, and destroy scenic beauty. The Forest 
Service has constructed so many roads that it now faces a $10 billion 
backlog in needed road maintenance. The Green Scissors Campaign calls 
for all funding for construction, planning, and design of new timber 
roads to be cut, saving taxpayers $170 million over five years. The 
report also calls on the Bush administration to enforce the Roadless 
Area Conservation Rule to protect 58.5 million acres of national 

The report includes several controversial programs included in the 
energy bill currently before the Senate. "The Senate energy bill is 
based on 19th century energy policy that will cost taxpayers at least 
twenty billion 21st century dollars and will harm public health well 
into the next century," said U.S. PIRG Environmental Advocate Navin 
Nayak. "Senators should protect taxpayers and the environment by 
opposing this dangerous and expensive energy bill, and by opposing 
all environmentally harmful taxpayer handouts," he concluded.

# # #

U.S. PIRG is the national advocacy office for the state Public 
Interest Research Groups. State PIRGs are non-profit, non-partisan 
public interest advocacy organizations.

Taxpayers for Common Sense is a national, non-partisan budget 
watchdog organization.

Friends of the Earth is the U.S. voice of an influential, 
international network of grassroots groups in 70 countries.

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