... with transcripts (mostly)


Richard Heinberg discussing 'The Party's Over - Oil, War, and the 
Fate of Industrial Societies'
(Telephone interview to Santa Rosa, CA on 28th February 2003 )

* In three large, continuous sections Part 1 [45:15] mp3 | transcript 
, Part 2 [44:37] mp3 | transcript , Part 3 (coming soon)
* In separate clips (so far, most of Part 1 is available as separate clips):

1.   What is oil peak?  [5:40] mp3 | transcript
2.   What do the critics of oil peak say?  [5:41] mp3 | transcript
3.   What is 'net energy' & why is it important to understanding the 
consequences of oil peak?  [5:38] mp3 | transcript
4.   Why do you talk about the 'fate' of industrial societies - why 
is it rather bleak?  [5:51] mp3 | transcript
5.   Is it possible for an 'advanced' industrial society to survive a 
large energy decline?  [4:21] mp3 | transcript
6.   What is your view of hydrogen & other substitutes for and 
alternatives to hydrocarbons - won't they allow us to continue our 
industrial way of life?  [11:41] mp3 | transcript


Prof. Kenneth Deffeyes - Petroleum geologist, author of "Hubbert's Peak"
Filmed in Athens, Ohio, USA on 4th April 2003

* Lecture at the Ohio University Baker Peace Conference 'Energy 
Consumption and the Environment'{RealVideo} [32:13] mp3 | transcript 
[First forty seconds of recorded audio are of inferior quality]

* Discussing the possibility that for conventional (or regular) oil, 
the global extraction peak has already happened - in the year 2000

* Kenneth Deffeyes in interview with Julian Darley {RealVideo} 
[19:53] mp3 | transcript

* Discussing oil peak, US natural gas problems, media responses to 
oil peak, and economists

* Q1 Why do you think we have already passed oil peak?
* Q2 What are some of the special problems with natural gas, 
especially in North America?
* Q3 Why do you think that there is so much resistance to the peak oil message?
* Q4 Shell says we have 20-35 years more conventional oil. Hubbert 
himself worked for Shell, so what do you make of it when Shell, and 
other industry people, say we've got 25 years?


Dr. Colin Campbell (ASPO) petroleum geologist, author of 'The Coming 
Oil Crisis' etc
Discussing oil depletion, natural gas, govt reactions & ramifications
(Interviewed on camera in Ballydehob, Ireland on18th December, 2002 )

1. Are we running out of oil?  [0:55]  mp3 | transcript
2. What is the significance of 'peak' oil?  [2:09] mp3 | transcript
3. How does oil discovery relate to depletion?  [5:37] mp3 | transcript
4. Where does oil come from?  [8:21] mp3 | transcript
5. How is natural gas different from oil & is it a substitute? 
 [10:22] mp3 | transcript
6. What is a 'resource pyramid' (using coal as an example), and why 
does it not apply to oil & gas?  [3:02] mp3 | transcript
7. Why don't know we know more about the coming oil crisis?  [9:38] 
mp3 | transcript
8. What does back-dating the reserves mean, and why is it so 
important?  [5:54] mp3 | transcript
9. How are the oil companies reacting to oil depletion?  [13:54] mp3 
| transcript  
10. Why is the price of oil so unstable and unpredictable?  [8:25] 
mp3 | transcript
11. How have governments reacted?  [11:48] mp3 | transcript
12. Is the great interest shown by the US (and others) in the Caspian 
& Iraq justified from an oil perspective?  [16:08] mp3 | transcript
13. What is your assessment of the idea that extra Iraqi oil may be 
used to reduce oil price and destabilise Saudi Arabia?  [1:24] mp3 | 
14. What is Canada's situation?  [6:03]  mp3 | transcript
15. Are 'crustal' hydrocarbons and gas hydrates going to save us? 
 [7:14]   mp3 | transcript
16. Will Russia be able to 'fill the gap'?  [6:07] mp3 | transcript
17. What is the role of economics in hastening oil depletion? 
 [7:19]  mp3 | transcript

Discussing the South China Seas,
(Interviewed by telephone to Ballydehob, Ireland on 27th Februry, 2003 )

1. Can you tell us about oil and gas prospects in the South China 
Seas?  [2:08]  mp3 | transcript


Prof. Michael Klare - author of "Resource Wars", Prof of Peace and 
World Security Studies
Filmed in Athens, Ohio, USA on 4th April 2003

* Lecture at the Ohio University Baker Peace Conference 'Energy 
Consumption and the Environment' {RealVideo}

* Discussing the (mistaken) US strategy of the militarisation of 
energy {RealVideo} [25:02] mp3 | transcript

* Michael Klare in interview with Julian Darley {RealVideo} [25:57] 
mp3 | transcript

* Discussing global energy security

1 What are the motivations for and implications of the war on Iraq?
2 What is the likelihood that America will invade other Middle East countries?
3 What are the implications of the fall in estimated oil reserves in 
the Caspian Basin?
4 Under George W Bush, has US policy changed significantly in the Caspian area?
5 Is Afghanistan still important as a location for a pipeline from 
Turkmenistan to Pakistan?
6 Given China's increasing need to import oil & gas, what is the 
situation with regard to the South China Seas?
7 The Spratly Islands are the key to the South China Seas. Is it true 
that the Chinese want to capture the whole set of islands?
8 In the west of China, Xinjiang has long been contested. Is it still 
important and why?
9 Japan imports most of its energy. What problems might it face 
because of this?
10 Finally, back in the Americas, is America preparing for serious 
military engagements in Colombia and Venezuela?


David Pursell - energy financial analyst (Houston, Texas) (Simmons Co)

Discussing natural gas in Canada & the US, and nuclear, coal & other 
energy issues  (Audio interview in Houston, Texas on 10th Februry 
Main link is streaming mp3, then after clip length [eg. 2:13] , mp3 
for download, and transcription, if available

1. What is the natural gas situation in Canada, and what effect might 
that have on the US?  [2:13]| mp3 | transcript
2. Can you tell us about the contrast between the official 
hydrocarbon energy analyses from Canada vs the US? [1:02] mp3 | 
3. Do you see signs that the US DoE (Department of Energy) is 
starting to recognise the dimensions of the coming energy crisis? 
 [1:14] mp3 | transcript
4. How do 'cornucopians', mainstream economists for instance, react 
to talk of supply problems with natural gas? [2:16] mp3 | transcript
5. What does a declining supply of oil imply for the economy and 
society? [1:02] mp3 | transcript
6. Do you think there will be negative economic growth if oil supply 
declines? [1:24] mp3 | transcript
7. How can a supply decline possibly now be avoided or averted & are 
fuel cells the answer?  [2:26] mp3 | transcript
8. Is the mention of 'Freedom Fuel' (hydrogen) in the recent US State 
of the Union speech, the first real admission by the Bush 
adminstration that they don't know what to do about oil peak?  [0:36] 
mp3 | transcript
9. If building large numbers of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) terminals 
is dangerous, what does that say about the future for nuclear power, 
given that 9/11 has shown that almost anything is possible?  [0:32] 
mp3 | transcript
10. With Canada's gas declining, Mexico importing from the US, and 
problematic outlooks for coal and nuclear, how do you see the energy 
future for the US?  [1:33] mp3 | transcript
11. Do you think the US has designs on Iraqi oil?  [1:03] mp3 | transcript
12. What happens if the attack Iraq 'goes wrong'?  [0:53] mp3 | transcript

Discussing natural gas in North America  (Telehone interview to 
Houston, Texas on 27th January 2003)
Main link is streaming mp3, then after clip length [eg. 2:13] , mp3 
for download, and transcription, if available

1. Can you tell us how you see the present natural gas situation in 
North America?  [ 3:13 ] mp3 | transcript
2. What is the outlook for natural gas situation in North America for 
the rest of the year?  [ 6:34 ] mp3 | transcript
3. Canadian production has peaked. How do they fit into the North 
American natural gas picture?  [ 1:18 ] mp3 | transcript
4. How is the American consumer going to react to 'a tightening 
market' or shortages, to put it another way?  [ 1:08 ] mp3 | 
5. If the US is going to be short of natural gas, why is it exporting 
it Mexico?  [ 0:44 ] mp3 | transcript

Links to presentations by David Pursell:

* Natural Gas: At A Crossroads? [3 Oct 2002]


Matt Simmons - energy analyst (Houston, Texas)
Matt Simmons discussing oil peak; natural gas; what the President 
knows; hydrogen; and Iraq
(Video interview in Houston, Texas on 10th February 2003 )

1.   How do you introduce the oil peak & decline phenomenon?  [8:55] 
mp3 | transcript
2.   Can you tell us about the growing problem with natural gas (NG) 
in North America & is it particular to the US?  [10:57] mp3 | 
3.   What are some of the important differences between oil and 
natural gas, what is 'conventional' gas, and in particular what is 
coal-bed methane?  [3:01] mp3 | transcript
4.   How did we get into the current situation?  [10:47] mp3 | transcript
5.   When you are interviewed by mainstream media, do you try to tell 
them about oil peak & decline?  [2:10] mp3 | transcript
6.   How did you come to be an advocate for oil peak and decline? 
 [5:24] mp3 | transcript
7.   What is the significance of paying for oil Euros vs US Dollars? 
 [10:28] mp3 | transcript
8.   Does nanotechnology have a role to play in the future of energy? 
 [11:34] mp3 | transcript
9.   What is your attitude to being called an energy 'bull'?  [1:59] 
mp3 | transcript
10. Can you tell us about your role in advising the Bush 
administration on energy matters?  [9:17] mp3 | transcript
11. Does President Bush want the American public to know about oil 
peak?  [3:25] mp3 | transcript
12. Was the mention of 'Freedom Fuel' (hydrogen/fuel cells) in the 
State of the Union speech an admission that the Bush administration 
doesn't know what to do about oil peak?  [1:36] mp3 | transcript
13. Many people view the proposed US military attack on Iraq as 
really being mainly about oil - is that your view?  [6:16] mp3 | 

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