Kurds go it alone with international oil deals

Local authorities ignore US administration and seek to lure major 
companies with generous contracts

Andrew Buncombe in Washington

18 May 2003

Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq are offering hugely lucrative 
oil deals to European and American companies without consulting 
either the US administration in Baghdad or any other Iraqi groups. 
The move threatens to raise new problems over the future ownership of 
Iraq's vast oil reserves.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which controls the 
Sulaymaniyah region as part of the regional government of Kurdish 
Iraq, has in recent weeks started seeking investment from 
international companies interested in oil exploration and production.

While most companies appear wary of getting involved in deals with 
the regional authorities in the absence of a settled - and 
internationally approved - government in Baghdad, the proposed deals 
represent a challenge to the US-led occupying force. Some have even 
suggested the proposals may be an effort by the PUK to present any 
new government in Baghdad with a fait accompli.

Samples of the proposed "production-sharing agreements" seen by The 
Independent on Sunday reveal that the PUK authorities are offering 
investors an attractive deal. The initial share of profits would be 
split 60:40 in favour of the oil company, dropping to around 50:50 
once a specified level of production is reached. "They are extremely 
favourable terms," said Gordon Barrows, of the Barrows Company, a 
US-based publisher of international oil laws and contracts and the 
company that obtained the contract.

The future of Iraq's oil reserves, which some predictions place at up 
to 112 billion barrels with more to come, is one of the most 
contentious issues facing the US and Britain as they seek to rebuild 
Iraq in the aftermath of the ousting of Saddam Hussein. While both 
Washington and London denied that oil was a factor in their decision 
to go to war, many of their critics, including most Iraqis, believe 
that a wish to secure the world's second largest supplies played a 
large part in shaping the decision to opt for military action. 
Washington is keen to use Iraq's oil wealth to at least partly pay 
for the country's rebuilding.

There are few major companies that would not wish to secure deals to 
develop Iraq's oil reserves, and Mr Barrows said he believed the PUK 
had proposed the deals to most major firms. Britain's two largest 
companies, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, have both expressed an interest 
in doing deals when a government has been established in Baghdad.

"We have always said we would be interested in the prospect of 
investing in Iraq, but that would be when there is a stable, 
long-term administration there," said David Nicholas, a spokesman for 
BP. Both he and a spokesman for Shell denied that they had been in 
talks with the PUK.

For its part, the PUK admits that it has been offering the deals. It 
started sounding out interest last July for production in the Taqtaq 
area north of Kirkuk, but found no takers. Since the US-led 
occupation of Iraq the PUK has been offering the deals once again, 
hoping to increase production in the area, which some sources suggest 
is only producing 5,000 barrels a day.

Mohammed Ismail, director of the PUK's office in Washington, said: 
"It is true [that we are offering contracts]. I don't know the names 
of the companies involved."

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