thank for your reply, He was sick for a week ( he died last night..) no blook 
in the stool .. did not see any indication of parasites.. did not do a 
microscopic exam though. none of the other birds are sick so i really think he 
got stepped on ( they flock under my feet when i go to feed them) I  am trying 
to make this my first step to being self supporting. Biofuel generation will be 
soon.  Birds, goats, then biofuel. I really love this list even with the 
humorous 'bashing' that goes on sometimes.

a couple of other questions.
how can i get rid of cow parsnits without poisons? 
what is the best way of converting garbage into useful fuel for the home?


David Wood
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:11:38 +0900
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] off topic but need help.

Hello David

>I believe some of you out there raise chickens and i need some help 
>without going to the VET. I have a roster that just sat down one day 
>and refused to move. push him and he just rolls, no strength in the 
>leggs and am having to feed him by the hand. One soultion would be 
>just to put him down but what do i do if the other birds start 
>acting the same way if i can't get a handle one this one. No blood 
>in the stool, running a bit of a fever. I really need some advice.
>E-mail directly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You don't say how long he's been ill. The longer the better, in a way 
- the longer the other birds have been exposed without getting ill, 
the better the chance that it's not bird flu. But there aren't really 
any guarantees of that short of having him checked by a vet, which 
I'd recommend, despite your reluctance. Bird flu is not something to 
mess with. If you think there might be a chance of it you should have 
him checked.

Midori sent me this url with photos of bird flu symptoms. It's 
Japanese but it doesn't matter much - they're indicators, not 
conclusive, but maybe it'll help:

>from Osaka Prefectural animal office
>1) blooding on comb
>2) swelling face
>3) blooding under the leg skin
>4) sitting down
>It's just a few example of many, many symptoms


Best wishes


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