The State Department defines terrorism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience." In another useful attempt to produce a definition, Paul Pillar, a former deputy chief of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, argues that there are four key elements of terrorism: 1.. It is premeditated-planned in advance, rather than an impulsive act of rage. 2.. It is political-not criminal, like the violence that groups such as the mafia use to get money, but designed to change the existing political order. 3.. It is aimed at civilians-not at military targets or combat-ready troops.
 4.. It is carried out by subnational groups-not by the army of a country.
Well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, right.

America has such great potential, but we also have great greed. Hopefully soon the majority will see the light.


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