On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 10:06:05AM -0400, Appal Energy wrote:
> >One thing that's not entirely clear to me is
> >argument of biofuel not increasing amount of
> >carbon in environment whereas fossil fuels do so.
> Nothing "tricky" about the issue at all Rafal.
> Carbon dioxide of plant origin returns to the plants with each growing 
> cycle. This is called "carbon neutral."
> Carbon dioxide of fossil fuel origin is not recycled annually, as it 
> takes millions of years for coal, natural gas and petroleum to 
> regenerate. Therefore it's considered to be "carbon  positive ."

That's why I mentioned about assumption of fossil carbon included or not
in circulating carbon share.

> There are arguments that plant-based fuels aren't entirely carbon 
> neutral due to the fossil fuels that go into their production at 
> different steps in the process. However, they remain considerably more 
> carbon negative than fossil fuels.

True, agreed.

> Your "trickiness" as you call it is really more of a "blind" rather than 
> anything perplexing, revolving around gross carbon dioxide outputs. Yes, 
> essentially the same amount of carbon dioxide is produced annually, no 
> matter if the sources are plant-based or of fossil origin. However, 
> global CO2 levels essentially plateau after one year's use of 
> plant-based fuels, while they continue to rise under a regimen of fossil 
> fuel use.

I meant "trickiness" rather as the kind of question raised in some
talks and debates I've heard. It was the argument as to why plant-based
fuels are not so good for warming environment because of emission they
introduce anyway. It was a bit like playing with facts to avoid those
less comfortable for the speaker.

Thank you!


 Rafal Szczesniak      **mir[at]diament.ists.pwr.wroc.pl
 Samba Team member     mi***[at]samba.org
 *BSD, GNU/Linux and Samba          http://www.samba.org

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