Dear Hakan

I'm so sorry to hear this bad news. That is a severe violation, and it can take a little time to get over it. I'm sure I can say you have everybody's sympathy and support at the Biofuel list, if that's of any use to you. Please let us know if there's something we can do to help. Backup disks gone, aarghhh!! But well done Foxy!

You're so right about "winning hearts and minds". I lived under just those conditions for years on end, and in more than one country. The SS is never loved, no matter what uniform they might be wearing, if any. It's the way bullies think, unable to tell the difference between respect and fear: if they abuse you and frighten you then you'll respect them, right. Most people grow out of it by the time they leave primary school, except the arrested development cases.

Take care of yourself Hakan - I hope you're having a good sleep right now!



26 hours ago, I woke up to the sound of our dogs barking. I slept hard, so she probably gone on for a while. When she would not stop, I went up to tell her of. She was standing in the front door that was open, just as much as she could not get out. After looking in my office, I discovered that my computer (a notebook) was gone and so was my wife's, further checking proved that some more valuables was gone. If it wasn't for Foxy, probably or lot more would have been gone.

It was an enormous feeling of violation and I spent the whole day with the police and to sort things out. Discovered also that my CD case with the normal and recent back ups was gone. Maybe it was good that I did not wake up a few minutes earlier, because it would probably led to that ether myself or others would have been hurt. I was in a mood that I easily could have picked a fight.

It has taken me 26 hours without sleep, to get that far that I can send this letter. I also had to secure the remote servers and change a lot of passwords. Not that anyone, including me, belive that they would be able or want to connect and do anything. Only the risk, means that I must work hard and fast in the right order to minimize the possibilities.

It is places where normal honest people, suddenly and without any obvious reason can get their front door knocked down. They will be searched and the intruders will claim whatever they like to label as illegal, without proper definitions, and arrest normal people like yourself and members of your family. It is worse and even more humiliating. How can any sane person even expect or at least say that this would lead to "winning the hearts and minds", the one who says so, must be pretty stupid or lying. The people that belive them must be even more stupid, or be without the slightest capacity of imagination and understanding.


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