wait...are talking about Streeter or the Bush administration?

"I want my SUV" sung to the tune of "I want my MTV..."

Appal Energy wrote:

>And I was so looking forward to see how he would set his own noose in 
>motion by his own processes.
>Oh well.
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>Hi Todd
>>>Dogonnit Keith,
>>Sorry about that.
>>>If the guy is going to behave in such a fashion, those who have to
>>>suffer it should at least be able to grill him about his generalities
>>>and stereotyping until he's forced to admit that there is a lot more to
>>>the bag of beans than he would care to recognize.
>>He won't admit it if he doesn't want to, no matter what you do, 
>>you've seen it yourself. Anyway, he's been here for two and a half 
>>years already, if he doesn't care to recognise it by now, then again 
>>he doesn't want to. (I guess that's his prerogative, but it's not his 
>>prerogative to dump it on us, nor on anybody.) Grilling him's 
>>unlikely to get anywhere, countering his views would show him up to 
>>everyone else but he still wouldn't see it. I think there's no 
>>shortage of such demonstrations in the list archives and I doubt 
>>doing it again this time would have added anything.
>>>Just throttling the guy lets him off too easy. Now it's he who gets to
>>>claim that his sensibilities were offended, further enforcing and
>>>propigating his peculiar beliefs elsewhere.
>>>Give 'em enough rope to hang themselves. If they're smart, they won't
>>>use it all.
>>Wouldn't it be true that if they were smart they wouldn't do it in 
>>the first place? He already hanged himself, he ignored everything and 
>>everyone, that's not smart.
>>>If they aren't, the world should at least be given the
>>>pleasure of watching them swing at the end of the yardarm of their own
>>:-) Do you mean in the sense that justice must be seen to be done or 
>>something like that? You might have a point. But really it just 
>>wastes time, it's a distraction, it clutters the place up, makes it 
>>more difficult for serious people to carry on a reasonable 
>>discussion. It's exactly that kind of crap that's truly "off-topic". 
>>It doesn't take much to drag a list down, as we all know, just one or 
>>two heedless people who want it all their own way. It's because this 
>>kept happening time and time again that people started yelling "NO 
>>TOPIC-COPS!" in the first place, years ago. We had it all out then, a 
>>few times, and that's when the rule was made. We formalised it a year 
>>ago, me and a group of list members, the whole list concurred, and 
>>that's that. Now it happens much less.
>>Has anything much changed, is there anything more to it now than the 
>>>>What does it amount to anyway? "You're only allowed to
>>>>talk about what **I** want to talk about"? Usually it's either that
>>>>or a poorly disguised demand for censorship. Or a complaint that
>>>>there isn't any censorship, which looks like Duff's case. Not that
>>>>he'd call it censorship.
>>There's been a constant trickle of these people for nearly five 
>>years, and what most of them have in common is that no matter what 
>>you do, no matter what's proved or disproved and resides in a 
>>publicly accessible archives for all to see, if he wants to claim 
>>that it's his sensibilities that were offended and wants to propagate 
>>his beliefs elsewhere, HE'LL DO IT ANYWAY.
>>Another thing we've found is that it doesn't matter. If people are 
>>smart they'll check, ask a few questions, and quickly discover that 
>>he's full of it. If not, then the same applies - what does it matter?
>>Todd, I'm not just dismissing what you say, you make some good 
>>points, as ever. I'll surely keep them in mind. Too late this time 
>>I should say I don't know what Duff will do or won't do, I'm not 
>>trying to hang all this on him personally, all I can say is how other 
>>people who've expressed the same views have behaved in the past.
>>Anyway it's not my concern. My often-stated position is that as 
>>list-owner my first obligation is to the list itself and the issues 
>>it represents, my second obligation is to the individual members, 
>>UNTIL they put the first obligation at risk. We do everything we can 
>>to make sure list members know what kind of community they've joined 
>>and how to get the best out of it, if they don't take any notice 
>>that's their problem. It's their loss too - it wouldn't be easy to 
>>persuade me that heedless and selfish people are any loss to the 
>>list. It isn't here for "outreach", it doesn't have a missionary 
>>role, it's only here to be useful to its members (many of whom use it 
>>as a source for their own outreach).
>>Hey, Todd, all this isn't aimed at you either, just restating policy.
>>Best wishes
>>Keith Addison
>>Journey to Forever
>>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>>Biofuel list owner
>>>Todd Swearingen
>>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>> Greetings to all, I am an avid alternative fuel
>>>>>advocate who is building a large home sized processor.
>>>>>I do hope you will read this and maybe it will help
>>>>>get us back on track!!All this talk of politics as far
>>>>>as I am concerned is for the most part  way out of
>>>>>line,and with a lot of misconceptions toward a
>>>>>political adjenda.We All need to get focused on what
>>>>>and where we are headed with the alternative energy
>>>>>issues,and stop talking about all these   politics,
>>>>>and put our time and money where our mouths are and DO
>>>>>Something constructive !! Sincerly Spoken.Duff
>>>>Exit Duff Streeter. Sad to say, after more than two years. But he was
>>>>told about this, like everyone else - twice in his case:
>>>>List rules:
>>>>See "Open discussion", and the "Note" at the end: "There aren't a lot
>>>>of rules, but that is one of them: no calls for restricted
>>>>discussion. It's a discussion list, not a less-discussion list."
>>>>In other words, NO TOPIC-COPS!
>>>>From a recent post, Robert's reply to Clif:
>>>>>>Just a thought to further take this list into a land far away from
>>>>>>renewable energy sources.
>>>>>   Some of these issues may seem tangential at first.  Close
>>>>>examination, however, will reveal how energy use, foreign policy,
>>>>>religious perspective, racism and many other "isms" blend to create
>>>>>the overall milieu in which the topic of biofuels exist.  We who have
>>>>>been here for any length of time agree by consensus that which is
>>>>>deserving of discussion and that which is not.  It's remarkably self
>>>>>regulating, for the most part.
>>>>Yes it is, for the most part. Once again, nobody's forcing anyone to
>>>>read anything they don't want to read, messages have subject titles
>>>>after all. What does it amount to anyway? "You're only allowed to
>>>>talk about what **I** want to talk about"? Usually it's either that
>>>>or a poorly disguised demand for censorship. Or a complaint that
>>>>there isn't any censorship, which looks like Duff's case. Not that
>>>>he'd call it censorship.
>>>>Anyway, the rule is enforced.
>>>>Best wishes
>>>>Keith Addison
>>>>Journey to Forever
>>>>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>>>>Biofuel list owner
>>>>>--- Sean Michael Dargan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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