Hello Taryn, Pannirselvam

Did you read this?

[Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers
"Who Would Jesus Assassinate? Hugo Chavez and the Men Who Claim to 
Speak for Jesus"

I was wanting to say something about liberation theology but I posted 
that instead.

By the way, here's Doug's post, "Religion, Politics Biofuels, and Thanks!":


I don't want to interpret, but I think what Doug's talking about is 
mainly how religion-of-a-sort is driving politics and the other 
issues in the US and in US foreign policy, along with the nonsense 
about the US and Islam, the odious "Clash of Civilisations" type of 
thinking and so on, and maybe the strange marriage of "Christian 
Zionists" in the US and colonial Zionism in Israel and its effects on 
politics, foreign policy, Middle East oil and all the fish.

On the other hand, there's India and Pakistan, who should surely be 
brothers rather than nuclear enemies... They don't seem to refer to 
each other as Indians and Pakistanis as often as Hindus and Muslims. 
Isn't it time to seek to bury the hatchet somewhere else than in each 
other's heads?

Best wishes


>Hello Pannirselvam,
>Forgive me for taking exception to some things you said to Doug. I've
>assumed (perhaps wrongly) that you're looking at the works of the
>Catholic church in Brazil, from a Hindu perspective. It has been years
>since I last studied the Bhagavada Gita, but I continue to practice
>hatha yoga for the mental and physical benefits. I greatly admire
>Hinduism as a path for spiritual growth but have always been troubled
>by several Hindu precepts (assumptions?).
>Here in the west, Darwin's theories, "nature red in tooth and claw",
>were used as justification for "Social Darwinism", which claimed that
>the poor were inferior, evolutionary failures, and not deserving of
>opportunity, education, or fair treatment.  I see reincarnation, and
>the caste system, as serving a similar function in Hinduism; the lower
>castes are seen as "failed souls", not enlightened enough to deserve a
>place in society. I have read that many schools of Hindu thought are
>rejecting the caste system, as is the government of India, but that the
>bigotry and sexism continue.
>So in that sense, religion, for a native of India, seems to be a tool
>of oppression, creating economic and social disparity without regard to
>the 'worldly value' of individuals, hence a source of illusion.
>Regarding the Catholic church in Latin America; while doing much good
>work, they have also consistently spread misinformation about the use
>of condoms and other birth control methods.
><http://www.aegis.com/news/ads/2003/AD032597.html> This has accelerated
>the spread of AIDS in Catholic countries, and caused many thousands of
>unnecessary deaths. It's my understanding that there is now a schism
>between the Vatican and many Brazilian clerics over this, with the
>local priests and bishops denouncing the Vatican's anti-condom stance.
><http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/051005G.shtml> This is certainly a
>welcome change, but the Vatican continues it's policies against AIDS
>prevention education. It's not the first time the Vatican has taken a
>stance obviously against Christ's teaching, often only to serve their
>economic or political goals.
>A bright spot in all this has been the emergence of Catholic Liberation
>Theology, which at least provides a counter force to the constant
>capitalist propaganda imposed on all the Americas.
>American Evangelical Fundamentalist sects are also gaining power in
>Latin America, and they too are a constant source of AIDS
>misinformation. As they have no history of liberation theology, we can
>be sure that their missions will be bound to NeoCon goals.
>I certainly agree with your suspicions about corporate and media power
>being used to suppress democratic processes all over the world, but I
>suspect that the church often falls on the wrong side of this battle,
>they have usually supported the economic elite in class struggles, even
>as their missionaries were striving to help the poor and dispossessed.
>I know you're 'on the ground' in Brazil, and you're seeing many
>courageous, dedicated christians doing good works, against great odds.
>I guess I'm trying to say that you're seeing those with 'true religion
>with ethics and also true democratic politics' actually doing what
>needs doing. Those who send them often have other goals.
>On Aug 29, 2005, at 5:35 PM, Pannirselvam P.V wrote:
> >  Dear  Doug Swanson
> >
> >           I appreciate  your   well   thoughtful  letter regarding our
> > list.But  I am not able to fully understand yet   that religion
> > develop  illusion  as I  native of  India , presently in Brazil .
> > Here religion  always  do better thing , the school , the hospital , 
> > the project for the poor people .  I believe   the illusion are made
> > by Big Blue  Corporate company against true religion with ethics  and
> > also true  democratic politics   using   money power   making  the
> > illusions.
> >     Surely all are inter related  and I agree with you that  Biofuel
> > bring the people together  independent of politics and religions 
> > showing the truth  and showing the   green way  and great future  for
> > global  sustainability.
> >
> >  sd
> >  Pannirselvam P.V.
> >
> > On 8/27/05, des <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> politics lately; as well as the diversity in the biofuels
> >> subjects.  (I

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