Hi Darryl

>Keith, good idea.  I'll keep track here too.  It will give me an 
>excuse to update
>my page at
>http://www.econogics.com/en/enenergy.htm#Transportation .

I was thinking there was some something I wasn't thinking of, and 
that's it. I'd do better to link to your page, and Hakan's site too. 
I've been wanting to make more links to both your sites. I'll figure 
something out.

Meanwhile, the more ideas the better.

>It needs some tidying up

I know the feeling! :-(



>Date sent:             Tue, 30 Aug 2005 02:21:24 +0900
>To:                    Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>From:                  Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:               Re: [Biofuel] Sept 1 declared no buy gas day
>Send reply to:         Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>       <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi Darryl
> >
> > Very nice!
> >
> > >I'm sure others can contribute more ideas beyond the list above. 
>My point is,
> > >don't act for a day, act for a lifetime.
> >
> > I'm also sure, there've been some good contributions so far.
> >
> > If we can et some more I can compile them and make a page at Journey
> > to Forever for it, might help.
> >
> > It would be nice to internationalise it a bit, but if it doesn't work
> > out that way I don't mind.
> >
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Keith
> >
> >
> >
> > >Well, then I guess we can expect to see BP putting all their
> > >gasoline stations up
> > >for sale.  After all, the managers are required to maximize the
> > >returns for their
> > >shareholders.  If the stations are losing money, they have to dump
> > >them.  I won't
> > >be holding my breath.
> > >
> > >As for gas-outs - it's a sad joke, as has been pointed out here before.
> > >
> > >If you want to reduce gasoline (and diesel) consumption, for 
>whatever reason,
> > >here's a start on what you can do to make a difference.
> > >
> > >1)  Walk somewhere.  Anywhere.  Just leave your guzzler parked.
> > >
> > >2)  Get a bicycle.  Preferably something used.  Try your local
> > >FreeCycle, or bike
> > >repair co-op, or a used bike dealer.  Find something comfortable and
> > >practical for
> > >your use.  Then use it.
> > >
> > >3)  Check the pressure on the tires on your vehicle.  Correct if
> > >necessary.  Slight
> > >overinflation is better for fuel economy than slight 
>underinflation.  Repeat
> > >monthly or more frequently if required.
> > >
> > >4)  Have your vehicle tuned up on a regular, appropriate schedule.
> > >Check owner's
> > >manual for details.  Check for dragging brakes, emissions control
> > >system problems,
> > >etc while you are at it.
> > >
> > >5)  Plan your trips to minimize distance travelled (trip chaining).
> > >
> > >6)  Use public transit when available and appropriate.  Or carpool.
> > >
> > >7)  Use biofuels, e.g. E100, E85, E10 as recommended for your
> > >vehicle.  There are
> > >many flex-fuel vehicles on the road in the U.S. due to CAFE
> > >dual-fuel incentive,
> > >where the owners don't even know the vehicle is flex-fuel 
>capable.  Check your
> > >vehicle manual.  Use biodiesel blend where available or 
>appropriate (or make your
> > >own, of course).
> > >
> > >8)  Take extra weight out of your vehicle, as accelerating extra
> > >weight uses more
> > >energy, and de-accelerating extra weight increases brake wear.
> > >(e.g. sand and salt
> > >mixture for winter use should not be in the trunk all sumer as well).
> > >
> > >9)  When shopping for tires, look for economizer / fuel miser /
> > >energy wise labels.
> > >
> > >10)  When shopping for a replacement vehicle, look for something
> > >that is as fuel-
> > >efficient as possible while meeting most of your needs - not
> > >necessarily all of
> > >your needs.  You can rent a vehicle to meet occasional requirements.
> > >
> > >11)  If you want to make a political statement, pick an oil company
> > >to boycott or
> > >support.  Personally, I try to buy from MacEwen's because they are
> > >local and have
> > >been promoting ethanol blend here since before it was 
>fashionable.  I boycott
> > >Exxon/Esso/Imperial Oil due to their horrendous environmental record
> > >(and other
> > >undesirable practices).  Trust me, if we actually managed to drop
> > >Exxon's gross
> > >revenue in a regional market by 10% for a quarter, that would
> > >definitely get their
> > >attention.  Giving their station attendants and cashiers a quiet 
>day won't.
> > >
> > >12)  Try to drive to avoid periods of traffic congestion.  You 
>get 0 mpg when
> > >idling in stopped traffic.
> > >
> > >I'm sure others can contribute more ideas beyond the list above. 
>My point is,
> > >don't act for a day, act for a lifetime.
> > >
> > >Darryl McMahon
> > >


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