The Institute of Science in Society

Science Society Sustainability

ISIS Press Release 31/08/05

Compromise on EU Vitamins and Minerals

A legal challenge to overturn the EU's controversial Food Supplements 
Directive is over, but the corporate takeover of herbal medicine and 
natural remedies continues. <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sam 

A <>fully referenced version of 
this article is posted on ISIS members' website. Details 

EU Directive upheld with key provisions

The European Court's final judgment on the European Food Standard 
Directive (FSD) was delivered in July 2005. The Alliance of Natural 
Health (ANH) and many thousands of their supporters had hoped the 
opinion of the Advocate General given a few months previously, would 
be upheld by the rest of the European Court judges [1]. It was his 
opinion that the FSD is invalid under EU law and as "transparent as a 
black box". The European court judges usually follow the Advocate 
General's advice, but not in this case.

The ANH is a pan-European and international organisation of 
supplement manufacturers, retailers, practitioners and consumers. 
They began their landmark challenge of the EU Directive at the High 
Court in London in 2004. Two hearings at The European Courts of 
Justice followed; the first ruled in their favour and the second 
against them. The ANH are now satisfied, nevertheless, that their 
main concerns have been addressed without invalidating the Directive; 
and that this has been achieved through a process of legislation, 
which has provided a win-win situation.

The ANH chief executive, Dr Robert Verkerk said, "The Court has made 
clear some key provisions of the Directive (see Box 1), which 
massively reduce the difficulty of getting onto the once-feared 
'Positive List'" [2]. The Positive List excludes many natural and 
organic forms of selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and boron and 
calcium that strengthen bones. (See "European Directive Against 
Vitamins and Minerals" 
s2.php or SIS 20) [3]. Verkerk is confident that the simplified 
requirements for getting onto the 'Positive List' will no longer 
constitute a barrier for those ingredients allowed in food 

Thousands of health products saved from European ban

Had the Court not accepted the legal challenge and the key arguments 
against the Directive, seventy five percent of supplementary vitamin 
and mineral ingredients found in five thousand natural health 
products would have been banned on 1 August 2005.

The Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA), the National 
Association of Health Stores (NAHS) and Consumers for Health Choice 
(CHC) felt, however, that the legal challenge did not go far enough. 
Together they began a process of "national derogation" (a 
'subsidiarity' in legal parlance), which will allow ingredients used 
in food supplements prior to 2003 to continue until at least 31 
December 2009. The Directive and the Food Standards Agency have 
accepted the derogation dossiers. Now the HFMA hopes to protect the 
interests of the UK food supplements industry by enlisting the 
support of ministers and PM Tony Blair while he holds the six-month 
rotating EU Presidency [4].

The fight is by no means over; it has moved to the international 
arena of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Europe holds the decisive vote in Codex

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is the body set up in 1963 to set 
international food standards in conjunction with the Food and 
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation 
(WHO) [5]. Codex Alimentarius means "food code" and the Commission 
covers other important aspects of food trade such as GMOs, and 
pesticides and hormone residues in food. Although these standards are 
supposed to be voluntary, they are nevertheless adopted by the World 
Trade Organisation (WTO), which levies draconian fines and sanctions 
to countries failing to comply with their rules, which are anything 
but fair.

Codex international standards for vitamins and mineral do not 
override national legislation, but do provide national governments 
with a blueprint for domestic vitamin and mineral regulation more 
restrictive the American dietary supplement law. The guidelines are 
fraught with risks for consumers and producers alike. As nations 
begin to adopt laws that embrace the guidelines, in order to avoid 
losing international trade disputes, there is risk that the world 
market in supplements will level off at a relatively few, low potency 

If markets shrink then pressure will bear on the US supplements 
industry advocates to adjust its laws to international standards. And 
critics fear that Industry will have little commercial incentive to 
keep resisting Codex. [6].

Consumers for Health Choice (CHC) cite the EU as the single most 
important influence on Codex decision-making [7]. Basil Mathioudakis, 
who drafted the EU Directive on behalf of Codex, also heads the EU 
Commission delegation at the Codex meetings on Nutrition and Foods 
for Special Dietary Uses. In May 2004, ten new candidate countries 
joined the EU, and Mathioudakis represents all twenty five-member 
states at the Codex meetings. When he votes, the other twenty-five 
member states are unable to do so. Essentially, the European block 
vote covered almost fifty percent of attending countries. The 28th 
meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission met in Rome just one 
week before the European Court judges gave their final decision on 
the EU Directive, and voted to accept the Codex restrictive 
guidelines on vitamins and minerals.

To counter Codex's restrictive guidelines on the supplements market 
in the US, Congressperson Ron Paul has put forward the Health Freedom 
Bill (HR 4004), which prevents the Federal Government from 
restricting the distribution of a dietary supplement or other 
nutritional food on the grounds that the manufacturer makes health 
claims unapproved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Natural medicines under threat

"Harmonising" standards of vitamins and minerals internationally 
effectively hands control of many traditional remedies over to the 
pharmaceutical companies and, in turn, to supermarkets and pharmacies 
[8]. This would prevent independent companies and practitioners 
supplying appropriate supplements for nutritional purposes to 
patients and consumers. Under the Human Medicinal Product Directive 
(HMPD) and the Traditional Medicinal Products Directive TMPD) (a 
subset of the EU Pharmaceutical Directive) due to come into force 
later this year, health claims made on dietary products will be 

Restrictions on natural products are widely seen as an encroachment 
on civil liberties and ultimately threaten some of the oldest 
traditional health practices in the world, such as Ayurveda, Tibetan, 
Chinese and tribal medicines, on which some eighty percent of the 
worlds' population depend [9]. Codex guidelines on maximum dosages 
for vitamins and mineral food supplements destroy effective remedies 
and give regulators the power to choose which product they want to 
call a drug. Further proposals restricting amino acids, essential 
fatty acids, enzymes, plant extracts and probiotics are planned for 
an expanded EU FSD scheduled for 2007.

Corporate feudalism fuelled by patents and fees

A further concern is that restricting natural forms of nutrients will 
encourage the use of synthetic alternatives and genetically modified 
(GM) substances in food supplements. Pharmaceutical giants have been 
buying up vitamin and mineral companies recently. For example Merck 
has acquired Lamberts, while Wyeth, a global pharmaceutical and 
biotechnology company, has bought Solgar.

In fact, the drug companies have gained control of food supplements 
through PharmaPrinting, the result of collaboration between 
PharmaPrint Inc and the University of Miami [10]. Pharmaprinting is a 
technology that isolates and measures the bioactivity of an active 
compound of any plant or natural remedy and replicates it in a 
laboratory. These compounds are standardised as a pharmaceutical for 
government approval. Patents are currently pending on pharmaceutical 
versions of some of the most useful herbal remedies such as St Johns 
Wort, (depression) Echinacea, (immune function) Ginkgo biloba, (brain 
booster) Saw Palmetto (prostate function) and Mistletoe (alternative 
cancer treatment).

Under Good Manufacturing Practice in the US, Pharmaprinting carries 
out clinical trials costing up to $6.5 million per product and patent 
protection costing $0.5million that takes five years to complete. 
Investors are reluctant to commit to such costs unless market 
exclusivity is assured. One way of creating an exclusive market is to 
ban or remove natural remedies. The existing US healthcare market 
including health foods and drinks is estimated to be worth $1.5 
trillion. This staggering amount makes it a market worth 
manipulating. Patented food supplements would also provide a royalty 
to drug companies each time a patented product is purchased.

Foods are not drugs

"Food as drugs" guidelines laid out by Codex were adopted by 
Australia, Denmark, Germany and Norway and many products have been 
co-opted by pharmaceutical companies and repackaged as drugs. The 
Health Protection Branch (Canada's equivalent to the US FDA) has 
already registered "natural therapeutic" food products as drugs. Fish 
oil (lubricating joints), cranberry capsules (for urinary problems) 
and hawthorn berries (for the heart) have all been issued with a 
"Drug Identification Number" (DIN), at a cost of $720 per product, 
plus annual fees [11]. This is a thoroughly disproportionate degree 
of "protection" costs imposed on what are in effect harmless food 
items, especially when conventional drugs kill six hundred hospital 
patients in Ontario every year, with a further ten thousand deaths 
attributable to prescription drugs [12].

Box 1

The Alliance for Natural Health's key arguments were accepted and 
addressed by the European Court of Justice. These are the two major 
validations on the Positive List:

1. The ban on non-positive list of vitamins and minerals does not 
apply at all to vitamins and minerals normally found in or consumed 
as part of the diet which therefore are not banned as of 1 August 
2005. 2. Where the FSD does apply (which is to vitamins and minerals 
derived from "chemical substances" i.e. not naturally derived) an 
application to have a substance included on the positive list may be 
refused by the competent authorities only on the basis of a full 
assessment of the risk posed to public health by the substance, 
established on the basis of the most reliable scientific data 
available and the most recent results of international research

Full documents available at:


The South African government is actively opposing Codex guidelines. 
They highlight the role of vitamins and minerals in accordance with 
the World Health Organisation, "Diet, Nutrition, and Prevention of 
Chronic Diseases" (2003). Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, South African 
Health Minister has recently allocated Rand 6 million to testing the 
safety and quality of traditional medicines used as immune boosters 
by people living with "Nutritionally Acquired Immune Deficiency 
Syndrome (NAIDS)", usually referred to as HIV/AIDS [12].

New paradigm needed for health

In Unravelling AIDS, a new book from ISIS published later this year, 
we examine how numerous essential nutrients are effective in 
preventing and treating NAIDS, HIV/AIDS, and other chronic diseases 
[13]. The WHO and the United Nations (UNICEF) appear to be backing 
the sole use of drug therapy at a time when drug resistant strains of 
HIV are on the increase, and the toxicity of these drugs are becoming 
more and more evident.

Jim Turner, the general counsel to The Weston A. Price Foundation, a 
charity that disseminates knowledge on nutrition [14], believes that 
Codex and the EU Directive on food supplements derive from the same 
basic reductionist model of western science that argues that 
pharmaceuticals are the only answer to health problems. World food 
experts refute this model by stating that natural vitamin A 
supplements can offer developing countries thirty times as much 
social improvement as one dollar of development aid.

Turner recommends that vitamin and mineral guidelines should be 
evaluated by nutritional science rather than the toxicological 
science used to evaluate toxins. Codex categorically states that 
nutrients should be treated as toxins and that foods and nutrients 
are not useful in treating disease and therefore supplements are of 
little value.

Dr Robert Verkerk of the ANH agrees with Turners views [15]. He 
believes that a new paradigm for safety/benefit analysis is needed 
specifically for nutrients and has commissioned the Netherlands-based 
HAN Foundation to come up with a new framework that could be used in 
the EU and internationally through Codex.

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

>>I posted about this in March but I don't think anyone believed me 
>>as no one seemed to reply.
>>I'm still shaking my head in disbeliefŠ..
>I replied Malcolm, for one. It's here:
>First-round win against Codex - was: Codex Alimentaris
>Best wishes
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nancy 
>>Sent: 24 July 2005 13:08
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Science Under Siege
>>    Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
>>    July 23, 2005
>>    Thanks to The American Policy Center and our
>>with the provocative title, "Kiss Your Vitamins Goodbye", flooded the
>>internet in the last two weeks of June leading up to the Codex
>>meeting in Rome July 4-9, 2005. Millions of readers were on the edge of
>>their seats waiting to learn what was about to happen. This article is
>>report on that meeting.

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