Wind farms work in the 100 meters closest to the earth. Due to interaction with the ground it is relatively low energy compared to 1km and higher above the ground. In other words it is in the noise in terms of measurement. If you are worried about windturbines then you should worry about shelterbelts because they absorb energy too.

TarynToo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sep 10, 2005, at 9:47 PM, JJJN wrote:

> ...
> Ok one last question about wind farms. I told someone that wind farms
> have the _potential_ of changing the weather if there is enough energy
> extracted. I was laughed at and got that "look" _Now I did say
> potentia_l. The laws of thermodynamics say so. So can any one share
> some more insight to this potential possibility??

This has been on my mind too, but I've not collected enough information
to make an informed guess.

The same question applies to tidal power and current power There have
been proposals to anchor huge slow speed propellors in the gulf stream,
to generate electric power. This seems (to me) to have the potential to
extract enough energy to slow the stream. Even a fractional change in
the energy delivered to the north atlantic might have extreme
consequences for the ecosystem as well as weather.

So anyone have informed guesses, or hard data, on the possible effects
of pulling significant power out of tides, big water currents, jet
streams, and ground level winds?


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