A member of the International Panel on Climate Change from Victoria, BC, 
Canada was on a national radio program and he talked about the fact that he 
was asked to appear as a guest on a national American TV network (could have 
been NBC) to debate Global Warming.  The network wanted some one to take the 
other view point; that Global Warming didn't exist or wasn't caused by 
humans.  The Climate scientist said he would debate this issue with any one 
they chose as long as that person was a climate scientist and not an 
The TV network could not find a climate scientist that would take the other 
viewpoint so the debate could not take place.

Terry Dyck

>From: Michael Redler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] There's no proof of global warming
>Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:28:45 -0700 (PDT)
>Are there any physicists in the house? Isn't true that greenhouse gases 
>like CO2 are used for laser light excitation? isn't the theory behind the 
>excitation of that band of light a practical (another) example of the 
>effects of global warming?
>The far right preaches theories based on pure emotion. A lack of 
>understanding translates into the non-existence of that issue or idea. Even 
>if I'm wrong about the above example, there is an abundance of scientific 
>data about the physics which prove the effects of greenhouse gasses and 
>that it highlights the far right's foundation in pure emotion and (for 
>their brand of "intellectuals") convoluted metaphysical beliefs.
>That said, have you read Mein Kampf?
>Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>BODY{font:10pt Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;}Hi All,
>Yeah, right. Someone ought to tell Mr. Limbaugh that Rita was a tropical 
>storm two days ago. It's entered the Gulf and is now at Catagory 2. It's 
>heading west now and will probably increase in ferocity in the next 24-36 
>hours. The water temperaturee in the gulf is still above 30C. Let's all 
>burn more Dino since none of this is connected.

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