Michael Redler wrote:
Right-on Todd.
There have been REAL discussions on the disposal radioactive waste in any number of consumer products, in trace amounts.

The most recent example of this I have heard about is a proposal to add nuclear waste in small amounts to the smelters during metal fabrication.  In this way it was proposed that the nuclear material can be diluted and spread around.  The proponent's argue that it can be diluted to the point that radiation levels are in the background noise.  I remember reading this in an article in Scientific American about a year or two ago but couldn't say which exact issue. The article said imagine that this means that waste from a nuclear reactor could one day end up in the braces in your daughter's teeth!
The most "convenient" method of disposal so far has been in the production of depleted uranium munitions which are both horribly destructive on the battlefield AND allows one to leave it in the country with which they were fighting, with little possibility of recovery.
Yes DU weapons are a crime.  One day I hope the criminals will be brought to justice. But who will do it?
Those who are too quick to accuse someone of being paranoid are watched carefully by those who are thinking of doing the seemingly unthinkable.
I am no conspiracy theorist but this is not to say that those in the positions of power and wealth definitely like the fact (and probably do work to maintain) that the public is willing to dismiss much as the ravings of a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theorists.  Besides it is hard to really call it a conspiracy when the entire organizational system of our society works to support and serve the interests of those at the top of the food chain.  It is more like a self fulfilling prophesy than a diabolical plan of a few spoiled rich greedy megalomaniacs.  The system works so well that they (at the top) don't really have to do a lot except make a few tweaks now and again.


Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Uhhhh....., let's see Bob,

Paranoia is it?

You seem to forget at minimum thirty years of using thousand of US
citizens as human guinea pigs for radioactive materials testing. That
nasty little "paranoid" conspiracy theory unraveled in the early 90's.

You seem to forget the thousands of US military personel exposed during
Operation Crossroads as well as thousands more intentionally positioned
to observe atmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons at the Nevada test
sites, not to mention the forty years of denial and deceit that followed.

Let's forget the decades that literally millions of US citizens were
exposed to fad, over-the-counter drugs containing radium, such as
Dentarium, Ointarium, Kaparium, Linarium and just plain Arium, or the
water "elixir" labeled "Radithor." They were all being deemed perfectly
safe and denials were issued by all private and government entities
fifteen years after people started dropping like flies and up to the
very days that each was separately pulled from the market..

You seem to forget that for thirty-eight years, between 1932 and 1970,
the US Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute conducted
studies on 399 black men diagnosed with syphilis. They intentionally
withheld treatment and diagnostic information from these men for
decades, treating them with "placebos" and setting up elaborate "free
medical" schemes to keep their "study group" from venturing out of their
purview so that they could maintain the "integrity" of their data.

And even with such a dispersed yet long-lived historical track record
and monumental data sets, you continually poo-poo and dismiss all
reports or concerns of all other deceit and debilitating chicanery as if
claims of such are the ravings of lunatics.


One of us is either really gullible or really stupid Bob. You if you
don't believe precisely what cold and calculated depths concerted public
and private interests are capable of stooping to, and me if I accept
your overly eager dismissals of anything and everything as being nothing
more than "paranoia."

Todd Swearingen


bob allen wrote:

>woo-woo alert!
>Charles Tounah wrote:
>>As far as the grey layer of crud that's built up in
>>the atmosphere, there have been airplanes whose sole
>>apparent purpose has been to lay that grey layer down
>>in the atmosphere.
>oh really?
> I have personally observed them in
>>many different cities, even in different countries,
>>for about the last five years. The phenomenon is
>>called chemtrails,
>other than usual exhaust emissions- water vapor, CO2, and trace
>combustion products such as NOX, what is there?
> and you can find a whole education
>>on the internet regarding it. www.carnicom.com
>woo-woo. woo-woo.
>>(which I have not visited in years) is probably the
>>most well-known.
>sorry for my sarcasm, but I will save my worrying over reality, and
>leave the really paranoid speculation to others.
>>Charles Tounah

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