It would make things a lot easier if life were such that woes were solved
in 30 minutes as on TV, but we all know that's not the case.
Unfortunately, for every 'enlightened' person that I come across who is
interested in alternative fuels, sustainability, and environmental
responsibility - there are 12 more who think it is the 'God-given right'
(those aren't my words) to drive an SUV that gets 1 HWY/0 city. There seem
to only be a few ways to actually institute *the change* - 1. Get those in
power to force it through 2. Rally enough people behind the cause to make
it inevitable or 3. Run out of oil (etc...) What are the initiatives that
will drive the average citizen to want to back this movement?


> Can't quite connect with all the metaphors Joe. But the inevitable end
> of the Leibermans of the world failing to address reality is rather
> obvious. Too bad that old geezers such as he won't have to reap what he
> helps sew.
> Todd Swearingen
> Joe Street wrote:
>> Ok so if we follow this line of thought to it's logical conclusion
>> where do we end up Todd?  Yeah I know, 'The dark side'. Maybe the dark
>> side is where the real Jedi warriors reside and everyone has been
>> brainwashed to believe the opposite. It's the bizzarro world where
>> white is really black and black is really white. Funny thing is this
>> was actually foretold in the Tao Teh Ching  (for whatever that is
>> worth to modern society) There was a great scene in the movie "The
>> Matrix" where the human race is compared to a virus, which espouses (
>> I assume) the same sentiment as Abbey (which I have not read).  And
>> then there's "If you are not with us you are against us"  It's as
>> scary as if you had swallowed a pill and have to ride out the
>> consequences no matter how terrible the trip.  Even if you discover
>> the train is on a track to disaster there is no getting off this
>> train.  The only hope is to dream up a way to entice enough of the
>> passengers away from the onboard entertainment to perhaps overwhelm
>> the engineer and apply the brakes! What we need, going back to the
>> Matrix analogy is a really good 'red pill'.  Perhaps social and
>> economic collapse is just the ticket.  Throw in a few wars and a few
>> good plagues in the mix and perhaps what comes out the other side will
>> be more sensible. If any of us or our children are left to see it.
>> Sorry I guess I'm not in the most optimistic mood this morning.  I
>> forgot to take my blue pill.
>> Joe
>> Appal Energy wrote:
>> Snip
>>>Remember now. All this is predicated on mindless, cancerous,
>>>all-consuming economic growth in the "traditional" manner.
>>>Me thinks Dick "Numb Nuts" Cheney needs to read a little Edward Abbey,
>>>who made the casual and rather definitive observation that "Growth for
>>>growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell."
>>>Todd Swearingen
>>>>Oh yes this is dramatically better. So I wonder if he thought about how
>>>>that energy was generated, and then there is the little issue of just
>>>>what happens to "the peak period" when everyone's car is plugged in the
>>>>grid every night. Sheeesh. I thought rotating blackouts was already a
>>>>>But we can do even better – dramatically better – with the plug-in
>>>>> hybrid
>>>>>that is just now on the threshold of commercialization. ...Plugging in
>>>>> your
>>>>>car during off peak hours –when power is in surplus and cheaper –
>>>>> would
>>>>>soon just become part of the modern daily routine, like plugging in
>>>>> your
>>>>>cell phone or PDA before you go to bed. And off-peak electricity can
>>>>> be the
>>>>>equivalent of 50 cent a gallon gasoline.
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