Terasen was bought by a Texas company.  My speculation is that having 
control of Natural Gas gives control of the Alberta tar sands oil 
production.  It takes almost as much Natural Gas to melt the tar sands oil 
rock, to make it a liquid, as they get back in oil.

Terry Dyck

>From: robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Prep for winter
>Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 07:32:24 -0700
>mark manchester wrote:
> > Hi Robert, Darryl, Keith,
> > We've just finished pressing pink insulation into the headers in the
> > basement., sealed the basement door, which leaked water in a storm 
> > and plastic'd the basement windows.  Clearly these were the areas we had 
> > addressed before.  Let there be no more $500/month heating bills, 
>       Yikes!  We just received a notice from Terasen (the company that
>sells us natural gas) that our rates will go up by 15% this month.  I
>think we'll be longing for wood heat pretty soon.
> > Window quilts, why not?  Only at night, though, right?  Otherwise, 
> > wear a miner's helmet with the light on the forehead.
>       I'm pretty sure you'd only put them up at night.  I've been trying to
>get my sweetheart to make window quilts, but she's not been terribly
>enthusiastic yet.  I guess energy is STILL too cheap!
> > I'm very envious of your garden, Robert, I love reading about it.  Out I 
> > right now with my wagon full of compost to begin digging my little patch 
> > the sun.
>       I'm glad you find it encouraging.  I still have a lot of work to do,
>getting my garden up to maximum productivity, but given that it was
>nearly sterile a couple of years ago (and would support little more
>than horsetail), it's exciting to see abundant earthworm and insect
>life in the soil.  Having written that, some of the "off list"
>responses I've been getting suggest there is a great deal of
>skepticism about the long term viability of gardening this way.
>       Mining the soil?  I don't think so!
>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
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