Hi Mary Lynn

I just saw this, sorry, I missed it before:


>Keith is doing it right by publishing exactly the what and how in making
>biodiesel .. he's not holding back information, he isn't making it to sell
>.. and although I'd think that he does, also I'm a late arrival to the list
>.. I'd have to check but I think less than a year .. I don't believe I've
>ever read that he does make his own.

Yes indeed, we do make our own biodiesel. We've been making our own 
biodiesel for years, we use biodiesel all the time, we demonstrate it 
and promote it at Energy Fairs and in other ways, we hold regular 
seminars on making it, we spread the technology far and wide, our 
diesel TownAce hasn't been to gas station in three years.

I say every few days or so in some way or another that we make it, I 
must've said so scores of times in the last year. Yesterday, eg:

-- There are some glycerine by-product sawdust "logs" burning in our 
woodstove right now. Previously we used sawdust logs made with NaOH 
by-product, there's no difference.

In another message yesterday:

-- We used NaOH for years and switched to KOH more than two years 
ago, we've used a lot of it since then, we live in a humid place and 
we haven't seen any difference in absorption.

A couple of days earlier:

-- I had to drive about 30 miles [on SVO, in the cold], do some stuff 
and come back again, so I did that without switching off, and then 
added 40 litres of biodiesel treated with Wintron CFPP depressant. No 
problems since then, easy starts.

A few days before that:

- Along with the process itself, it might have quite a lot to do with 
this: "How do you manage to make such clean biodiesel out of waste 
oil?" a puzzled GC technician asked Midori in Tokyo yesterday at the 
university lab that's doing tests for us. It said so on the test 
results too in a comment at the end: "Very clean biodiesel!!"

And so on and on. It says all over the Biofuels section of our 
website that we do indeed make our own biodiesel, it's hands-on 
stuff, it couldn't be anything else. The Biodiesel section starts 
that way, right at the top of the first page:

- Email to Journey to Forever friends, Friday 23 April 1999: "We 
turned our kitchen into a sort of illicit still and made a hell of a 
mess in there brewing biodiesel fuel out of about 60 litres of yukky 
waste cooking oil we got from behind McDonald's one night...

It's totally obvious that we make biodiesel, I just don't see how you 
could reach the strange conclusion that maybe we don't. You think 
it's all just armchair stuff? Sorry, I just think that's very weird.

Keith (somewhat gobsmacked)



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