How to sort out information from disinformation? 
Important issue for anyone trying to work off web
sites - but also important for everyone, everywhere. 
How do you know whether any claim is true or not? 
What if you base your start-up sustainable biofuel
business on poor information and bad technology, spend
a few thousand dollars, and wind up with nothing - or
worse, a huge mess on your hands?

Here is a good place to begin thinking about these

Note: I'd be pretty skeptical about a lot of the 9/11
'conspiracy theories'; many of them are so blatantly
ridiculous that the only 'conspiracy theory' that
makes sense to me is that they are deliberately put
out there by some government PR agency trying to make
Bush administration critics seem 'crazy'.  As they
say, caveat emptor, or, consider the facts carefully
and trust your own reasoning abilities.

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