It is amazing how the whole thing follows the "fire in parliament", 
during AH's coming to power. In that case they also "show" tried and 
convicted a mentally disturbed janitor for it. Does it rings, 
thinking of current "show" trial of a clearly and officially 
confirmed mentally retarded person.


At 19:41 12/04/2006, you wrote:
>Dear D. Mindock
>You seem to be ignoring the central point - if the 'CIA' wanted to 
>blow up the twin towers, why didn't they just put a huge truck bomb 
>underneath them?  The only reason to hijack planes and crash them 
>into the WTC is if you really are a fanatical terrorist operating 
>under cover in the US.  Furthermore, the hijackers almost certainly 
>told their escorts and FAA people that they were returning to the 
>airport - in which case the fighter jets would have been unlikely to 
>shoot them down (killing hundreds of US citizens in the 
>process).  Again, the question is why weren't the airlines 
>warned?  Why wasn't security increased?  Why weren't numerous and 
>repeated FBI memos from field agents to headquarters acted on?  What 
>did the President know, and when did he know it?  Well?
>Peter I. Solem
>"D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    So why did Building 7 go down? It wasn't hit by anything except 
> some falling debris from
>the towers. Why was the 757 that hit the Pentagon only able to make 
>a 16 ft diameter
>hole, perfectly round? Why were all military planes kept from 
>stopping the errant planes
>before they hit the towers. FAA controllers saw the planes deviate 
>and then switch off
>their transponders. Look, if any one bit of the puzzle is totally 
>out of place in the
>official rendition of the puzzle, the whole thing collapses.
>   The Loose Change video brings up points, lots of them, that 
> BushCo would not like to be made
>public. One is that there were large explosions in the lobbies of 
>the towers and on other
>floors before the towers started to come down. There are witnesses 
>to this. (Maybe by
>now these witnesses all have a different song to sing after being 
>visited by whatever.) To say
>that it is disinfo doesn't make any sense. To me it is a very tight 
>expose. It adds accelerant to
>the fire. BTW, Loose Change is referred to on the 
><> site.
>   The question is: How much do we need to know before a Conspiracy 
> Theory becomes a
>Conspiracy Fact? I believe we now have more than enough to charge 
>Bush/Cheney with
>crimes against humanity.
>Peace, D. Mindock
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Martin Kemple
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Loose Change -- new video sheds new light on 
>9/11 -second thoughts
>These are all good points, I.S.
>For more skepticism on "Loose Change", see: 
>and a number of websites cited therein.
>I haven't sorted it all through yet, and even the above site could 
>itself be a dupe. Who knows?
>Bottom line for me, though, is that we already have more than enough 
>goods to send up Bush-Cheney. (And always remember to include them 
>both together. Surely, Cheney is Dr. Strangeglove incarnate. Hell, I 
>wouldn't be surprised if Deadeye Dick's got stock in the "Impeach 
>Bush" brigade, if not masterminding it....)
>Make no mistake, Cheney's gotta go too; even moreso. Bush is the 
>stooge-monkey playing the accordion in front of the audience.
>-Martin K.
>On Apr 11, 2006, at 4:10 PM, I. S. wrote:
>At the risk of generating a huge amount of hate mail, I have to 
>point out that Bush's real crime was ignoring the FBI warnings as 
>well as failing to act on the August 6th presidential daily briefing 
>titled "Osama Bin Ladin determined to strike inside US".  No warning 
>to the airlines - why not?  If Bush deliberately allowed terrorists 
>to make a strike on US soil, isn't that alone grounds for 
>impeachment and charges of treason?
>Think a little bit, folks! - if the CIA or some other government 
>agency wanted to fake a terrorist attack on US soil, all they'd have 
>to do is park four huge truck bombs under the WTC, scatter some Arab 
>corpses around with "Holy Jihad" letters, and blow the thing up.  No 
>need for elaborate bombs in the WTC, planes being hijacked, missles 
>hitting the Pentagon, etc.  However, if fanatical Al Queda recruits 
>motivated by US occupation of Saudi soil, the Israeli-Palestine 
>conflict, and fundamentalist ideology wanted to do this, planes seem 
>the only way they could have done it - with the deliberate blind eye 
>of Bush to assist them, that is.
>Loose Change in my opinion is a government produced disinformation 
>film designed to produce deep divisions within the anti-war and 
>impeach-bush movements; it is also designed to drive a wedge between 
>9/11 families and other protestors.  This is the essence of many 
>government propaganda / disinformation campaigns.  Compare it to the 
>NOVA special on the collapse of the twin towers, and JUDGE FOR YOURSELF!
><?color><?param 0000,0000,EEEE><?/color>
>Now, I'm perfectly willing to admit I could be wrong - unlike the 
>"9/11 Truth Networks", I hold that careful analysis and independent 
>thinking are prerequisites for any investigation.  However, I think 
>that the evidence show that Bush was forewarned about 9/11 and 
>deliberately failed to act.  The question should be this: "What did 
>the President and his advisors know, and when did they know it?"  I 
>believe that the answer to that simple question would lead to the 
>impeachment of Bush on charges of treason.
>Peter I. Solem
>Michael Redler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>I've done some research on events discussed in this video. The facts 
>about Operation North Woods was in fact discussed in Noam Chomsky's 
>book Hegemony or Survival. It has a lot of credible information.
>In a documentary, it's absolutely critical to be accurate with ALL 
>On July 28th, 1945, a B-25 crashed into the Empire State Building - 
>NOT A B-52! I doubt that the B-52 was even in development in 1945.
>S**T!!! That's frustrating!
>"D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 
>0000,0000,8080><?x-tad-bigger> <?/x-tad-bigger><?/color><?/fontfamily>
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 
>0000,0000,8080><?x-tad-bigger>The video brings up new info that I've 
>not seen before. The video makers did do a lot of work to pull a lot 
>sources together. The 9/11<?/x-tad-bigger><?/color><?/fontfamily>
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 
>0000,0000,8080><?x-tad-bigger>tradgedy was, in spite of all the 
>effort by the gov, a bungled job. It doesn't stand up to intelligent 
>scrutiny. Now it is our job to<?/x-tad-bigger><?/color><?/fontfamily>
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 
>0000,0000,8080><?x-tad-bigger>get the disgusting thugs out of office 
>and into prison. They (Bush/Cheney/et. al.) ARE the real enemy 
>combatants. Peace, D. Mindock<?/x-tad-bigger><?/color><?/fontfamily>
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 
>0000,0000,8080><?x-tad-bigger> <?/x-tad-bigger><?/color><?/fontfamily>
><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?color><?param 

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