
Freedom means the freedom to borrow 2 billion a week to support a war 
we've already lost.
Freedom means never having to say you're sorry.
Freedom means completely trashing a country then getting distracted by a 
2 bit tinhorn tyrant in another country and forgetting you promised to 
rebuild the first country.
Feedom means the freedom to spy on people.
4 legs good, 2 legs bad, 4 legs good, 2 legs bad, 4 legs good, 2 legs bad

Now just keep saying that...

I didn't know you were a foreigner.  That's ok.  We American know how to 
deal with foreigners,

Like to buy a savings bond?


Hakan Falk wrote:

>Now I finally got it and understand the meaning of freedom versus 
>liberty. Freedom as practiced in US at the moment, also means freedom 
>from responsibility and accountability.
>Liberty do carry some expectations on responsibility and 
>accountability, which are the parts that US lacks at the moment.
>Took some time to catch, but I guess that it is expected from 
>ignorant foreigners like me.
>At 18:17 18/04/2006, you wrote:
>>why do you hate freedom so much?
>>Get with the program.
>>Michael Redler wrote:
>>>"The advance of liberty is the path to both a safer and better world."
>>>- George W. Bush, Speech to United Nations General Assembly (September
>>>21, 2004)
>>>1.) 1% testing of US cattle for mad cow disease/"shares" risk with Japan
>>>2.) World Health Organization ranks US 37 in health care quality
>>>3.) Rumsfeld makes millions from sale of bird flu vaccine
>>>4.) December, 2001: United States' withdrawal from the 1972
>>>Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
>>>5.) November, 2001: A 10-year-old program to help Russians prevent
>>>theft of nuclear warheads and weapons-grade uranium and plutonium was
>>>reduced by $20 million.
>>>6.) "Clear Skies" weaken and delay health protections already required
>>>under the law.
>>>FEMA, FDA, USDA, etc, etc, etc.
>>>So...looking back at the quote, what does this say about "the advance
>>>of liberty"?
>>>Clear skies ref: http://www.nrdc.org/air/pollution/qbushplan.asp
>>>C.H.E.E.R.S. ref: http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa-alert.htm
>>>WHO ref: http://www.photius.com/rankings/healthranks.html
>>>Bird Flu ref: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0312-06.htm
>>>ABM ref: http://archives.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/12/13/rec.bush.abm/
>>>prevent theft of nuclear warheads ref:
>>>*/Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>>>    Despite new cases of Mad Cow disease surfacing in the U.S., Japan is
>>>    reopening its borders to American beef. As a result of the policy
>>>    decision half of the members of Japan's beef-safety government
>>>    advisory
>>>    panel have resigned. Morikazu Shinagawa, a researcher at the national
>>>    Institute of Animal Health and a resigning member of the panel, told
>>>    Kyodo News Service he "couldn't continue to work" on the panel
>>>    because
>>>    the conclusion to resume imports was preordained by the government.
>>>    Japan banned U.S. beef imports in 2003 due to weak beef safety
>>>    regulations in the U.S. While 100% of cows in Japan, aged 24
>>>    months and
>>>    older, are tested for the Mad Cow disease, only 1% of the 35 million
>>>    cattle slaughtered annually in the U.S. are tested. Japan recently
>>>    caved
>>>    to pressure from the Bush Administration and lift the ban on U.S.
>>>    beef
>>>    imports while appointing new "experts" to its beef safety advisory
>>>    panel. http://www.organicconsumers.org/artman/publish/article_227.cfm
>>>    and...so such thing as organic:
>>>    AURORA*
>>>    In the last two issues of Organic Bytes we invited our readers to
>>>    vote
>>>    on the direction of OCA's Safeguard Organic Standards Campaign by
>>>    taking
>>>    part in an online poll. The poll asked, "Should the Organic Consumers
>>>    Association call for a boycott of organic brands that are lobbying to
>>>    weaken organic laws and taking advantage of loopholes in the organic
>>>    standards (example: producing so-called "organic" dairy products on
>>>    factory farms, where the animals are imported from conventional dairy
>>>    farms, and then kept in intensive confinement, with no access to
>>>    pasture)?" We'd like to thank everyone who took part in that poll.
>>>    The
>>>    results indicate a resounding 96% of participants believe the OCA
>>>    should
>>>    launch a boycott. In response, and in alliance with the Cornucopia
>>>    Institute ,
>>>    the OCA sent out a national press release
>>>    last week
>>>    calling on consumers to boycott these brands. Two of the largest
>>>    organic
>>>    dairy companies in the nation, Horizon Organic (a subsidiary of Dean
>>>    Foods) and supplier to Wal-Mart and many health food stores; and
>>>    Aurora
>>>    Organic, a supplier of private brand name organic milk to Costco,
>>>    Safeway, Giant, Wild Oats and others, are purchasing the majority of
>>>    their milk from feedlot dairies where the cows have little or no
>>>    access
>>>    to pasture. The National Standards Board is currently accepting
>>>    public
>>>    comments regarding factory farm dairy. *
>>>    Take action here: *http://www.organicconsumers.org/nosb2.htm
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