Oh...dude...I didn't mean it.
Really, it's gonna be OK.
I'm sorry - really, really sorry.

Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Redler, you never like my ideas. You've made me cry. Now how do you
feel? *snif*

Ok I can't leave well enough alone. A good friend who follows peak oil
pretty closely sent me this. I think it's optimistic at best and pretty
delusional at worst. How long will it take (and cost) to get all this
whiz bang stuff going? There's no doubt in my mind the petro economy
is doomed. Now, if we had any sense we'd wean ourselves NOW, while we
can, use whatever technology may work to do it and move to the next
phase. Even in the best case scenario the price of oil is going to
continue to climb and climb.

They also make the sweeping statement that "the World is not about to
run out of oil". The world WILL NEVER run out of oil. There just WON'T
BE ENOUGH for everyone to go as we are. I'm sure there will alwasy be a
trickle ot two...


Michael Redler wrote:

> Schizophrenic/Procrastinating/Clueless economists:
> They concede to:
> The rising costs of oil exploration
> The eminent peak and subsequent end to oil as a main source of fuel
> The fact that for every three barrels used there is only one barrel of
> newly discovered oil to replenish it.
> At the same time they seem to feel that new technology and techniques
> in exploration and the resulting increase in yield allows you to delay
> the peak.
> They also make the sweeping statement that "the World is not about to
> run out of oil".
> What does "about" mean and when will they have the foresight to see
> the value of doing something sooner rather than later? More
> importantly, who is "the World" and when are they going to count
> countries (i.e. Iraq) who are slowly losing control of their oil.
> What a bunch of crap!
> Weaver!! You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you.
> Mike
> */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> http://www.economist.com/finance/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6823506
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