>Anyone who finds a link to video and/or audio of the original please post it
>for us.
>Colberrr is well on his way to becoming this 21st century's H.L. Menken, who
>was the 20th century's S.L. Clemens.
>All masters of irony, thus the phrase "rapier wit".

D. Mindock posted it:

>I watched the two parts of the video at 
>address=364x1062761>Democratic Underground. Dubya is seriously 
>roasted. Peace, D. Mindock
>This is utterly amazing. Stephen Colbert is one brave truth-telling 
>guy! I LOVE IT!!! Hooray for Helen Thomas, as well. I hope you 
>enjoy, too. Thanks, Ellen!   Now I've got to go watch the 
>video...........laughing all the way, jeannie
>p.s. I REALLY REALLY recommend watching the video at 
>address=364x1062761>Democratic Underground. Please note there are 
>two links, one for each of two parts.....jb
>Re-Improved Colbert transcript (now with complete text of 
>Colbert-Thomas video!)




> -----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Keith Addison
>Sent:  Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:49 PM
>To:    biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject:       [Biofuel] Stephen Colbert: New American Hero
>Stephen Colbert: New American Hero
>By Don Hazen, AlterNet. Posted May 9, 2006.
>When Colbert turned up the heat on Washington's elite, he revealed
>the big split between those basking in power and those fighting for
>Virtually overnight, Stephen Colbert became a hero to countless
>Americans, following his April 30 performance at the White House
>Correspondents' Association dinner.
>Since then, millions of people have either watched the video or read
>the transcript of his skewering of both the president and the press
>corps, and have discussed it avidly. Tens of thousands of people have
>gone to the website ThankYouStephenColbert.com and written letters of
>appreciation. Talk about water-cooler chatter; the event crashed
>internet servers across the land. It truly was one of those moments
>of media shock and delight.
>And then, an odd but revealing thing happened. Some of the chattering
>class commentators, mainstream media writers and columnists, and
>Democratic officials didn't get it: Not very funny, rude, not
>respectful of the president, and so on. Are they kidding? How could
>they not understand they were witnessing one of the bravest, most
>subversive performances in memory, which thrilled and gave hope to
>untold viewers and readers, and will be a huge marker when people
>look back on the Bush era?
>Colbert's speech had a huge impact for two reasons: First, he spoke
>truth to power right to the face of the president, in front of the
>entire news media. No one could miss, sidestep or deny it. It wasn't
>a scene from a movie, book or talk show -- it was live. It reminded
>me of Edward R. Murrow's famous address to the Radio and Television
>News Directors Association (recently depicted in the film "Good Night
>and Good Luck"). It gave me goose bumps. Colbert's performance shamed
>every Democrat or columnist who has been too afraid, too timid, or
>just too worried about losing his or her own power and access to go
>out on a limb and tell the truth that this administration is a
>disaster beyond our wildest nightmares. Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove
>have gotten away with murder Š and worse. And many of the people in
>that room that night who squirmed in their seats -- it was in part
>because of the internal indictment they were feeling for not doing
>what they should have done, countless times, long before. Maybe now
>they will do the right thing, but I won't be holding my breath.
>The second reason Colbert made such a huge splash is the rapid
>advance of video on the web. Almost overnight, the media world has
>irrevocably changed as video is increasingly becoming as important as
>print and still images on the web. When, in a matter of hours, dozens
>of websites can post or link to a video and get the word out about a
>spectacular event, the role of the gatekeepers and the corporate
>media shrinks big-time. And it doesn't matter if the networks or CNN
>or Fox decides that they don't want you to see it -- they can't stop
>it. The people's network is now in working order. Progressives now
>have a television capacity; still rudimentary, perhaps, but
>powerfully effective.
>The press leaks
>The press coverage of the Colbert performance was illuminating, as
>reported by the popular blog, democratic underground:
>"Expect nothing less from the cowardly American media. This
>demonstrates powerfully the ability of the media to choose the news,
>and to decide when and how to shield Bush from negative publicity.
>Sins of omission can be just as bad as sins of commission.
>"The AP's first stab at it, as well as Reuters and the Chicago
>Tribune, tell us everything we need to know: In these reports,
>Colbert's performance is sidestepped and marginalized, while
>President Bush is depicted as lighthearted, humble and witty."
>Salon's Joan Walsh points out, "Colbert's deadly performance did more
>than reveal, with devastating clarity, how Bush's well-oiled myth
>machine works. It exposed the mainstream press' pathetic collusion
>with an administration that has treated it -- and the truth -- with
>contempt from the moment it took office. Intimidated, coddled,
>fearful of violating propriety, the press corps that for years
>dutifully repeated Bush talking points was stunned and horrified when
>someone dared to reveal that the media emperor had no clothes.
>Colbert refused to play his dutiful, toothless part in the White
>House correspondents' dinner -- an incestuous, backslapping ritual
>that should be retired. For that, he had to be marginalized. Voilà:
>'He wasn't funny.'"
>On the Democratic political front, as John Aravosis wrote on
>AmericaBlog, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., actually stepped
>up to defend President Bush, saying, according to The Hill:
>"I thought some of it was funny, but I think it got a little rough Š
>He is the president of the United States, and he deserves some
>"I'm certainly not a defender of the administration," Hoyer reassured
>stunned observers, but Colbert "crossed the line" with many jokes
>that were "in bad taste."
>Criticizing Colbert for being rude would be pretty funny if it
>weren't so depressing. Rude? Since when has politics in this
>administration used the Marquis of Queensbury rules? Is Dick Cheney
>sweet and accommodating? When, in their march to power, has the right
>wing had good manners -- about abortion or gay marriage, or in the
>push for invading Iraq? Sure, mention decorum and one thinks
>immediately of Karl Rove, of Pat Robertson calling for the
>assassination of Hugo Chavez, of Jerry Falwell blaming America's bad
>morals for 9/11.
>The fact is, Stephen Colbert is at the acme of rising independent
>voices -- in the blogosphere, on the internet, in publishing and
>independent filmmaking -- who are being aggressive and playing
>hardball the way the right does. And guess what? The establishment is
>getting nervous. The powers-that-be know that people respond to
>passion, anger and resistance, emotions that convey meaning and
>seriousness, and the will to fight hard for important issues.
>In a smaller way, but showing similar guts, Cindy Sheehan spoke truth
>by traveling to Texas and demanding that the president explain,
>please, just what "noble cause" her son died for. Ray McGovern did it
>recently when he publicly challenged Secretary of Defense Donald
>Rumsfeld in Atlanta, and so did Harry Taylor, the man who confronted
>George W. Bush at a town meeting in North Carolina.
>Perhaps the most important lesson we have learned from the divisions
>laid bare by Stephen Colbert is that the big split isn't so much
>between Democrats and Republicans or between the media and the people
>and events they cover, but rather between the powerful and the angry,
>between those basking in power and those fighting for change. The
>kiss-ass media, the revolving-door congressmen, the sycophant
>lobbyists and congressional staffers, the greedy media consultants --
>all are dependent on and addicted to the trappings of power, whether
>it's their next book, TV appearance, consulting contract, ride on Air
>Force One or junket to play golf at St. Andrews. Stephen Colbert
>turned the heat up on them all:
>Š let's review the rules. Here's how it works: The president makes
>the decisions; he's the decider. The press secretary announces those
>decisions, and you people, the press, type those decisions down.
>Make, announce, check. Just put 'em through a spell check and go
>home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write
>that novel you got kickin' around in your head. You know, the one
>about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up
>to the administration? You know: fiction!
>It's getting hotter in the kitchen, and some of those who have the
>most to hide are getting closer to a meltdown.
>Don Hazen is the executive editor of AlterNet

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