The results of the study come as no surprise, sadly.  The Liberal 
administrations were more interested in photo-ops than results.
While the new Conservative administration claims to have a 
"made-in-Canada" plan, suspicions are it's a "made-in-neocon-USA" plan. 
  Personally, I'd welcome any real plan on the subject.


May 28, 2006

OTTAWA (CP) - The Liberals' $12-billion plan to implement the Kyoto 
Protocol over seven years would have been largely ineffective, says an 
as-yet unpublished report by the C.D. Howe Institute.

The report, marked "do not cite or circulate," was written before the 
current government axed Project Green, as the plan was dubbed, and may 
have been a factor in the Conservatives' decision to scrap it.

Project Green largely relied on voluntary measures and incentives which 
have been shown not to work, says the study, which sarcastically calls 
the package "Project Dream."

"This policy approach will fail dramatically to meet national objectives 
and yet will entail a substantial cost," says the report, whose lead 
author is Mark Jaccard of Simon Fraser University.

The study was written in April and obtained by The Canadian Press on the 
weekend. It is finally expected to be made public this week.

The report says Project Green would have cost $12 billion by 2012, with 
much of that money being spent outside Canada.

It would have reduced emissions by 175 megatonnes compared with a 
business-as-usual scenario, far short of the 230 to 300 Mt. reduction 
required to meet Canada's Kyoto target.

Efforts like the One Tonne Challenge advertising campaign, which urged 
individuals to reduce their own greenhouse emissions through lifestyle 
changes, have "negligible effect," says the study.

"The policy approach of Canada since 1990 and continued with Project 
Green is clearly ineffective in causing the disconnection of GHG 
(greenhouse gas) emissions from the economic output that must take place 
if these emissions are to be reduced and their atmospheric 
concentrations stabilized at low risk levels."

Canada's domestic emissions remain on a path that would miss its Kyoto 
target by at least 270 Mt. in 2010, equivalent to almost a 30 per cent 
emissions gap, the study says.

"Indeed, the policy approach epitomized by Project Green allows 
emissions to continue to grow at close to their BAU (business-as-usual) 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper could use the report to buttress his 
claims about the ineffectiveness of the Liberal plan, but he probably 
won't like the alternatives it recommends.

The most effective policy would likely be a gradually rising tax on 
greenhouse gas emissions, combined with reductions in other taxes to 
ensure no net tax increase, says the report.

The main Conservative response to climate change so far has been to make 
transit passes tax deductible, which experts say will have little effect 
on emissions.

Louise Comeau of the Vancouver-based Sage Climate Project said many of 
the criticisms in the report are valid but Project Green was not a total 

She said a 175 Mt. cut in emissions would have been a start, adding that 
the plan had always been presented as a work in progress.

Comeau said the real importance of the report is its call for tough 
regulations and tax changes to prevent greenhouse emissions.

Darryl McMahon        
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

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