Lest you think the Bush administration would overlook any opportunity to use 
any event for partisan political gain.

Now if only the Democrats would call him and the Republicans on the fact 
that Osama's been forgotten. [Also that 9/11 happened with the Repugs in 
power. The FBI agents in the field, prior to 9/11, reporting highly 
suspicious activity were told, to their dismay, to forget about it 
repeatedly told by superiors.]


WH Official: "Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big

Bush seeks political gains from foiled plot
by Olivier KnoxThu Aug 10, 2:53 PM ET

US President George W. Bush seized on a foiled London airline bomb plot to 
hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten the September 
11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Weighed down by the unpopular war in Iraq, Bush and his aides have tried to 
shift the national political debate from that conflict to the broader and 
more popular global war on terrorism ahead of November 7 congressional 
The London conspiracy is "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with 
Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love 
freedom, to hurt our nation," the president said on a day trip to Wisconsin.
"It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of 
America," he said. "We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American 
people. But obviously we still aren't completely safe."
His remarks came a day after the White House orchestrated an exceptionally 
aggressive campaign to tar opposition Democrats as weak on terrorism, 
knowing what Democrats didn't: News of the plot could soon break.
Vice President Dick Cheney and White House spokesman Tony Snow had argued 
that Democrats wanted to raise what Snow called "a white flag in the war on 
terror," citing as evidence the defeat of a three-term Democratic senator 
who backed the Iraq war in his effort to win renomination.
But Bush aides on Thursday fought the notion that they had exploited their 
knowledge of the coming British raid to hit Democrats, saying the trigger 
had been the defeat of Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut by 
an anti-war political novice.
"The comments were purely and simply a reaction" to Democratic voters who 
"removed a pro-defense Senator and sent the message that the party would not 
tolerate candidates with such views," said Snow.
The public relations offensive "was not done in anticipation. It was not 
said with the knowledge that this was coming," the spokesman said.
Snow said Bush first learned in detail about the plot on Friday, and 
received two detailed briefings on it on Saturday and Sunday, as well as had 
two conversations about it with British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
But a senior White House official said that the British government had not 
launched its raid until well after Cheney held a highly unusual conference 
call with reporters to attack the Democrats as weak against terrorism.
An aide to Lieberman, who would have been one of the first Democrats to hear 
of the plot because he is the top Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security 
Committee, said the lawmaker first heard of it late Wednesday.
On Wednesday, Cheney had suggested that Democrats believe "that somehow we 
can retreat behind our oceans and not be actively engaged in this conflict 
and be safe here at home, which clearly we know we won't, we can't, be," he 
While some Democrats have opposed some steps in the war on terrorism, and 
more and more are calling for a withdrawal from Iraq, no major figures in 
the party have called for a wholesale retreat in the broader conflict.
But Bush's Republicans hoped the raid would yield political gains.
"I'd rather be talking about this than all of the other things that Congress 
hasn't done well," one Republican congressional aide told AFP on condition 
of anonymity because of possible reprisals.
"Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big," said another White 
House official, who also spoke on condition of not being named, adding that 
some Democratic candidates won't "look as appealing" under the 
Copyright © 2006 Agence France Presse . All rights reserved. The information 
contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten 
or redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France 

Copyright © 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.  And:

Plot was under investigation for a few months...The American media will most 
likely not say this...fear...fear...fear...gotta keep people afraid!!


Details of the plot only emerged for the first time in the early hours. But 
police later revealed the arrests followed an "unprecedented level of 
surveillance" - stretching back to December last year - involving meetings, 
movements, travel, spending and the "aspirations of a large group of 


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