Paul you need to get your facts straight or at least your myths
It is imposable to open an Door or Emergency exit while the plane is pressurized.
The doors are larger than the openings they sit in. The air pressure keeps the closed.
Ever noticed why the open inward then turned sideways, before it is pushed outside the aircraft.
It is near impossible to take out a window in an jetliner. They between 3 and 5 layers thick and made from Polycarbonate, they will not blowout.
A bullet will only punch a hole in them.
Your statement the you will die if the plane depressurizes is also false.
You will become unconscious after 5-10mins at altitude and will die in 20+min, but by that time the pilot will have lowered the aircraft to a breathable altitude (15k or less)
Now if your pilots are unable to do the maneuver, I guess you are out of luck.
The fresh air compressors on modern jetliner could probability keep up with 20-30 bullets holds without loosing enough pressure to make people pass out.
If you realy want rapid decompression, try flying on a real old Hawian Air lines plane or a bomb.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul S Cantrell
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] was..Bring loaded firearms aboard

Not entirely...Mostly depends on how big the hole is.  The size of a finger gets you a loud whistling noise.  A larger hole will cause rapid decompression.  God forbid a gunshot caused a window to pop out, or an emergency door to pop open.

On 9/20/06, Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul S Cantrell wrote:
> Problem comes when you shoot a hole in that 'metal tube' at 33,000 feet and
> the plane depressurizes and EVERYONE on board dies.


that's fiction.

Entertaining though it may have been, Goldfinger wasn't a documentary.

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