War nerd Gary Brecher's blog is my favourite reading space. I thought this
latest was too good not to share.


Issue #247 - War Nerd - Afghanistan: Let 'Em Eat Hams - By Gary Brecher

FRESNO, CA -- If your exterminator says he just killed 200 rats down in the
basement, is that good news or bad news?
On the one hand, it's good those rats are dead. On the other hand, I thought
got rid of them years ago, and now there's hundreds? What's going on?
That's the Big Question everyone should be asking in Afghanistan. NATO's
claiming we killed 500 Taliban near Kandahar this month. That's a mighty
impressive body count, sure, but if Nam taught us one thing, it's that body
counts are a bad sign. For all sorts of reasons, starting with basic common
sense: if we're killing that many, how many more are running around out
They say with rats that if you see one, that means there's about 40 more in
vicinity. I suspect you can use the same ratio for Taliban. That's what
Arbil, a former Northern Alliance commander, said the other day: "If [NATO]
killed that many, the Taliban must have thousands of fighters on that
Afghanistan is now enemy territory again. The Taliban have re-formed (as
to reformed) and according to one Brit officer who's fought in both Iraq and
Afghanistan, the fight against the Talibs is already WAY hotter than the war
The truth is, Afghanistan's been slipping away for some time now. I'll own
up; I
should've been doing more columns on it myself, because I could feel vaguely
was going bad. But other places were hotter or funnier, and I let it go.
Besides, as hard as I've been on my country's war leadership, I didn't
believe that we could possibly be so stupid as to blow the one thing we did
right. But as far as I can tell that's what happened to the US command: they
lost interest in Afghanistan, Iraq's got them paralyzed, and any energy left
over is going into finding a way to invade Iran. Which won't be easy, seeing
how we have exactly zero troops left over from Iraq.
So it's like our command got one of those brain puzzlers Captain Kirk used
use to fry alien computers: how do we pacify Iraq (impossible) while
Iran at the same time (double impossible, does not compute, frying noises,
coming out of computer). Right now there's so much smelly smoke coming out
the Pentagon it looks like another Boeing hit the place, but it's just the
sections' brains frying. There just isn't a lot of high-command brain power
to pay attention to Afghanistan.
That's the key here: paying attention. I'm starting to think that we just
have the patience and focus to do CI warfare. It's much easier to deal with
enemies who know when they're beaten. Who know the rules, as laid down in
history books. You pound them into the ground, shake hands, dump a few
planeloads of foreign aid on them, and everybody's friends again. It's like
nice clean boxing match.
CI warfare is more like that style of fighting the Brazilians introduced
the UFC: the game only starts when you've got the guy down. You know how
guys like Royce Gracie fight? If you've never seen it, it's like this: you
a punch at him, and the next thing you know he's on his back kicking you in
legs. If you're expecting a stand-up fight, you're doomed. Your only choice
to jump onto him and grapple it out, which will take a half hour at the very
least. That's why they don't run UFC on TV much any more: too damn boring
slow. It's more like watching bad gay porn, two guys lying on top of each
sweating. Except they don't even move enough to make good porn. It's all in
wrists, slow as molasses, getting a little advantage until the other side
We were spoiled by initial success in Afghanistan; we got the Taliban down
then just stopped paying attention. Dunno if you remember this far back, but
after 9/11, when it was obvious we had to go in there and root out Osama,
everybody was saying Afghanistan was unwinnable, "the graveyard of empires,"
etc. And the campaign seemed to stall at first, till we took Mazar-I-Sharif
sent the Northern Alliance rolling into Kabul. Boom, game over, victory
let's go home.
Except the new wars just don't work that way. The tough part was really just
beginning. The biggest problem once we took Kabul was tribal. Reporters are
always calling the Taliban "Islamic extremists," but it's way simpler than
the Talibs are Pushtun, and our allies in the Northern Alliance were their
tribal enemies the Tajiks, Uzbeks and a few free-agent Hazaras.
The Pushtun are the biggest tribe in the country, if you can call it that,
far. Afghanistan is 42% Pushtun, and the second-biggest group, the Tajiks,
only 27%. Pushtuns are -- now how can I say this nicely? -- insane. The
Taliban rules, like demanding every man have a beard that was at least ZZ
length, aren't Mohammed's rules; they're just Pushtun tribal ways.
It's like if the Baptists took over in Fresno, they'd make it God's rule
every guy had to have an extended cab on his pickup, and if you asked where
Scripture it says that, they'd shoot you. That's the Pushtun way: total
insanity, all the time. They're so "sexist" that feminists might like them,
because they don't even think of women as "sex objects." To a Pushtun guy,
nine-year-old boys are the sexiest thing on earth.
Professor Victor Davis Hanson might approve, because from what I've read,
classical Greek heroes felt the same way. The Pushtuns are so classical that
them, women are just labor-saving and baby-making machines.
And never mind peace; these Pushtuns may be gay but they sure ain't sissies.
They love making war, and they're real good at it.
Also, they don't get the whole "literacy" thing. They're not interested in
becoming entrepreneurs or learning self-esteem or personal hygiene or
or any of that crap. And let's be honest, the joy they felt running around
Central Asia blowing up Buddhas and blasting infidels is the same joy a frat
feels running around a 10-kegger party with a bra on his head. It's pure fun
joy, Pushtun-style.
So once we'd taken Afghanistan we had this leftover problem, which was that
nearly half the population consisted of these lunatics who had no stake in
"peace," didn't want "peace," and thought "peace" was a lot of newfangled
nonsense only fit for heterosexuals, foreigners, and assorted sissies.
Especially because "peace" came to their town on tanks and APCs driven by
old enemies the Tajiks and Uzbeks.
Worse yet, right behind those tanks came American do-gooders whose idea of
pacifying the Pushtun was doing incredibly naive stuff like starting a TV
show with female anchorpersons or whatever you call them. I'm not making
up. First thing the US occupation officials did in Kabul was start a news
station with some 19-year-old Pushtun girl as anchor. That was our idea of
winning hearts and minds. That's what was going to calm down those bearded
dudes: seeing a perfectly saleable daughter telling them the news, as if she
the one laying down the law.
I get tired of having to say it, but: not everybody thinks like we think.
everybody wants what we want. The Pushtun want (a) somebody to kill; (b)
kept in their place, somewhere between a the clay oven and the livestock;
nobody reminding them that there are other ways to live.
And our idea of pacifying them was to rub everything they hate right in
face, with their old enemies as enforcers. You have to wonder why the
didn't explode even bigger, even sooner. Well, basically because we handed
the job to some of our allies who did a pretty decent job of keeping the lid
as long as they could. There was a good British contingent up there, who not
only did their usual great job of soldiering but handled tribal relations
well. Along with them, the Aussies and even the Canadians were on the job.
Too bad we didn't give the Brits total control of the so-called GWOT and let
them play it their way. I can tell you what the old 19th c. Brits would've
Problem: huge, restless tribe (Pushtun) smarting from recent defeat and
uninterested in "peace." Solution: ship every Pushtun of military age to
Triangle as honored guests of the British Empire and give them enough ammo
make the place as quiet and boring as Mary Poppins's bedroom.
The Pushtun would be happy as the Seven Dwarves, whistling while they worked
quieting down the Sunni; the Sunni would be...well, maybe not happy but
definitely quiet -- "quiet as the grave," as the saying goes. And the Brits
would step back into the shadows and let them fight it out till the end of
A great system, worked for centuries.
Of course nobody we sent up there was cold-blooded enough to do anything
that. We figured, once the Pushtun warriors saw that anchorwoman up there --
Mary Tyler Moore in a burqa with five-o'clock shadow -- they'd see the
Light and start eating hot dogs and apple pie. Great plan.
That left the whole mess to those poor bastards, our Brit friends. You know,
should get down on our knees and apologize to the Brits for making them
us, making them believe we Americans actually had a clue and were leading
somewhere. You can see they've finally figured it out, that Bush and Cheney
never did know what they were doing, but now the poor trusting Limeys are as
deep in the shit as we are. I guess it's some kind of poetic justice,
we've done to them what they did to hundreds of other tribes: luring them
doing our dirty work for us. But it's no way to treat an ally.
Afghanistan was slipping away month by month, while those Commonwealth
tried to hold it together with rubber bands. All the money and troops were
into Iraq, which was hopeless from the start, instead of Afghanistan, where
might have worked. The Americans just couldn't pay attention once the big
campaign to take Kabul was over.
In fact, I just saw a movie that showed we weren't even paying attention in
Iraq. It's called Gunner Palace, and it's one of these hand-held
by an embedded ham. The idea is, the reporter hangs with a unit of GIs whose
is one of Uday Hussein's former playboy mansions in Baghdad. There's a huge
swimming pool and a lot of glitzy decor and you can tell the reporter
thought he
was going to get famous for the irony or whatever: gritty gory soldier stuff
with a background of Saddam-era luxury, etc.
I don't think this reporter even understood what he was filming. Seriously.
There's a voice-over about how this unit of typical American young men copes
with the dark and violent chaos of Iraq, bla bla bla, but that's not what
movie shows. What it shows is hams. Showoffs. A bunch of dudes who don't
where they are, don't care, don't speak a word of the language and don't
want to
learn it.
The only thing these dudes are interested in is hamming it up American-style
the camera. The only time they get excited is when the reporter lets them do
their little routines: heavy metal solos or comedy skits from the whites,
rhymes from the blacks. No, let's be fair here, in a wonderful sign of
integration, there's one scene where a black GI does a rap with backing
guitar from this white guy, the class clown type who's onscreen for what
like an hour. I personally would have had his humorous ass shoved up against
nearest wall and shot, but this cameraman embed loved him, couldn't get
Halfway through the movie, there's a scene where the unit learns its lead
interpreter, their go-to guy when they're asking for info in the
the guy who translates every word they hear, is a traitor. An insurgent
for the other side.
That blew me away! But in the movie it's treated just like a little setback,
another ho-hum problem of life in Baghdad.
Jesus, doesn't anybody have a clue about CI warfare? Your interpreter is
EVERYTHING. He's worth more than all the Bradleys and Strykers you have.
more important than bullets. He's the whole war. If he's a traitor,
you've done has been worse than useless! Your local sources are blown. Your
plans are known. Every local who was naive enough to trust you is dead or
will be. The rest have learned a big lesson: never, ever talk to the
But in the movie, the scene where they arrest the interpreter is just
excuse to ham it up. The officer in charge ties the plastic cuffs on his
and keeps asking, "OK, do you want to be my GUEST or my PRISONER, Ahmed?"
Ahmed doesn't even answer, it's such a stupid question, such an insane
Ahmed is worrying about how long he'll have his fingernails, what they'll
use to
remove his eyeballs, how hot the poker they jam up his ass is going to be,
this ham is actually trying to be his pal. Finally Ahmed mumbles, "Your
your friend..." and the ham gives him a big smile, all pleased. Nobody in
unit from the commander on down seems to realize what a disaster this is.
don't even seem to want to extend their intel network in the area.
Even in the middle of a firefight, guys turn away from their machineguns to
it up for the camera, like this is their big moment, their screen test,
of combat.
I don't think it's pork that the Muslims hate so much, it's all the hams
imported into their land.
I'll tell you something I don't usually like admitting: the first time I saw
Apocalypse Now, I hated it. I thought it was pure libel against all the GIs
fought so hard in Nam, making them out to be ADD types who couldn't focus on
war for more than ten minutes. Because that's what that movie is about as a
military document: showing how if you don't focus in CI warfare you can't
The only guy in the whole movie who focuses on the war is Martin Sheen.
why he's totally alone, while the rest go surfing or have their BBQ or jerk
over the Playboy bunnies USO choppers in.
Well, I still think the movie was unfair to Nam vets, because at least till
a lot of our guys worked hard at learning the language and blending into the
landscape. But I have to admit that maybe that hippie bastard Coppola was
in the long run. Maybe we just can't pay attention long enough to win in the
long slow grind of CI.
And maybe Coppola's point about Kurtz was right: it's not that we need more
troops in Iraq. Fuck no. After watching these hams screw everything up, I'm
sure that's the last thing we need. We need a few thousand men who speak the
language and don't have any qualms about doing all the dark, bad things that
have to be done to hold on to occupied territory. And backing them up we
maybe 10,000 guys trained for the Phoenix Program: pure assassins who will
anybody they're told to kill, on the quiet, without anyone ever finding out.
Basically, we need warriors who don't want to make it in show business.

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