Interesting research. There are a ton of potential applications for this,


Researchers Mimic Lotus Leaves For Self-cleaning PV Arrays, Non-stick MEMS

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology
 are mimicking one of Nature's best non-stick surfaces
 to help create more reliable electric transmission
 systems, photovoltaic arrays that retain their 
efficiency, MEMS structures unaffected by water
and improved biocompatible surfaces able to prevent
 cells from adhering to implanted medical devices. 

Based on a collaboration of materials scientists and
 chemical engineers, the research aims to duplicate
 the self-cleaning surfaces of the lotus plant, which
grows in waterways of Asia. Despite growing in muddy 
conditions, the leaves and flowers remain clean because
 their surfaces are composed of micron- and nano-scale
 structures that - along with a waxy coating - prevent
 dirt and water from adhering. Despite their unusual 
surface properties, the rough surfaces allow photosynthesis
 to continue in the leaves. 

"When rain hits the leaves of the lotus plant, 
it simply beads up," noted C.P. Wong, a Regents
 Professor in Georgia Tech's School of Materials
 Science and Engineering. "When the leaves are also
 tilted at a small angle, the beads of water run off
 instantaneously. While the water is rolling off, it
 carries away any dirt on the surface." 

The self-cleaning action of the lotus plant has 
intrigued researchers for decades, and recent studies
 done by researchers in several different groups have
 demonstrated the reasons behind the plant's unique 

The plant's ability to repel water and dirt results from an
unusual combination of a superhydrophobic (water-repelling)
 surface and a combination of micron-scale hills and valleys
 and nanometer-scale waxy bumps that create rough surfaces
 that don't give water or dirt a chance to adhere. 

"Because of the combination of nano-scale and micron-scale
 structures, water droplets can only contact about three
 percent of the surface," Wong said. "They're just not 
touching very much of the lotus surface as compared to 
a smooth surface." 

To address several unique applications, Georgia Tech 
researchers have attempted to duplicate the two-tier 
lotus surface using a variety of materials, including
 polybutadiene. But that organic compound isn't suitable
 for coatings that are exposed to sunlight because 
ultraviolet radiation breaks down its carbon bonds. 
So to address their first lotus application - self-cleaning
 insulators used on high-voltage power lines - the researchers
 had to develop another material. 

Supported by the National Electric Energy Testing Research
 and Applications Center (NEETRAC), that project would solve
 a problem that plagues electric utilities. The build-up of
 dirt and dust on ceramic or silicone insulators used by
 high-voltage power lines can eventually create a short
 circuit that can damage the electric distribution network.
 It's impractical to manually clean the insulators. 

Wong and collaborators Yonghao Xiu, Lingbo Zhu and Dennis
 Hess have developed a lotus surface able to withstand
 ultraviolet radiation using a combination of silicone, 
fluorocarbons, and inorganics such as titanium dioxide 
and silicon dioxide. Their prototype coating has shown
 excellent durability in long-term testing. 

Supported by the National Science Foundation, NASA and 
other agencies, Georgia Tech is also pursuing other work
 based on lotus applications: 

* Use of carbon nanotube bundles to create the surface
 bumps needed to prevent dust from accumulating on the
 surfaces of photovoltaic (PV) cells, space suits and
 other equipment intended for use on the moon or Mars
 - where there's no rain. Arranging patterns of nanotube
 bundles a few microns apart and applying a weak electrical
 charge should help keep dust away and maintain maximum
 efficiency in the PV cells that power space missions. 

* Application of lotus coatings to prevent "stiction,"
 which is the strong adhesive force that can form between
 the structures of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
 and substrates. The magnitude of these forces can be
 enough to deform the structures, resulting in device
 failure. With its superhydrophobicity and surface 
roughness, a lotus surface coating can prevent stiction,
 Wong said. 

* A two-tier surface system composed of hexagonally-packed
 silica spheres on which gold nanoparticles were deposited.
 The resulting chemical and physical structures were studied
 to establish the impact of surface hydrophobicity and roughness
 on the measured contact angles on the rough surfaces. 

* Lotus surfaces for use in implantable medical devices to
 prevent cells from attaching to form blood clots. If successful,
 this application could replace anti-clotting materials
 that are coated onto implantable devices such as stents
 used to hold blood vessels open. 

The lotus plant is yet another example of how researchers
 can learn surprising lessons from what Nature has provided,
 Wong noted. 

"It's not easy to get dust and dirt off a smooth surface,"
 he said. "Though it seems counterintuitive, the roughness
 actually helps the cleaning process. We believe this lotus
 surface will have many potential applications."

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