Actually, I hate milk and am very allergic to it.  I like cheese but 
rarely eat it.  In Europe I prefer raw sheep's milk.
I read anecdotally that that both raw (grass-fed) milk and beef are much 
better than cooked.  I don't eat much meat at all.
I sometimes buy sushi grade tuna and eat it raw to get my mercury 
allowance ;-)

D. Mindock wrote:

>Hi Mike,
>   I think Weston Price would say to drink raw milk. When
>milk is pastuerized and homogenized, it becomes harmful
>to the body. So those drinking less of the bad milk in the
>Harvard study would actually be better off.
>  Myself, I don't drink milk unless I can get it raw and organic.
>Also, even better, is to add kefir culture to it. I think the Hunzas
>drink their milk cultured, not straight up.
>Peace, D. Mindock
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
>WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>From the can't-help-but-stick-my-toe-in dept.
>>Caveat:  No proof other than what I've read over the years.
>>It has always seemed to me that the maladies that people suffer from are
>>in large part due to environment/lifestyle.  In the third world,
>>disease is far more likely to be as a result of the lack of food and
>>adequate nutrition, wheras in the developed world, we suffer from the
>>diseaeses of affluence:  diabetis being the one that comes to mind,
>>along with obesity-related ailments such as heart disease, high blood
>>pressure, strokes and so on.  Smoking is another factor.
>>Another interesting item, from Harvard University's website:
>>In particular, these studies suggest that high calcium intake doesn't
>>actually appear to lower a person's risk for osteoporosis. For example,
>>in the large Harvard studies of male health professionals and female
>>nurses, individuals who drank one glass of milk (or less) per week were
>>at no greater risk of breaking a hip or forearm than were those who
>>drank two or more glasses per week.(2, 3
>>Other studies have found similar results.
>>It is odd human beings are the only animal that develop "a disease" if
>>they don't eat the milk of another species.  Dogs don't need cat milk.
>>bob allen wrote:
>>>Howdy Terry,
>>>Terry Dyck wrote:
>>>>HI Bob,
>>>>The Western world has the highest rate of Cancer, Heart disease, 
>>>>Respiratory problems and other ailments in the world.
>>>oh really, and your source for these "facts" is?  are the data age
>>>adjusted, etc. and just what "other" ailments are included.  This is the
>>>issue I have with you and others, you make what I feel are overly broad
>>>statements as fact, without  little or no support.  So give me
>>>reference or two so I can draw my own conclusions.
>>>or how about just statistic at a time to discuss.   How about age
>>>adjusted cancer rates?  (age adjusting is necessary as cancer is
>>>essentially inevitable, the longer you live the more likely you are to
>>>get cancer.
>>>  show me the data please.
>>>> On the other hand
>>>>there is a valley in the middle of the Himalayan mountains called 
>>>>that is an almost disease free area.
>>>I have heard this canard before.  I googled hunzaland and about the only
>>>thing I got were people hawking their particular "cure"
>>>                  The Apricot Kernel Anti-Cancer Theory
>>>or how about 160+ year olds
>>>do really believe that?  really, you don't think someone could be less
>>>than forthright to make a point about a product the promote?
>>>or maybe it's the magnetized water
>>>>A pure organic food diet and almost no
>>>>pollution could be the reason for people having good health.
>>>or it could all be a bunch of hype. How do we know with out better
>>>>>Bob Allen,
>>>>>The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises in
>>>>>moral philosophy; that is,
>>>>>the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG
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