From: The Economist, Jan. 15, 2006
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Dr Strangelove Saves The Earth

How big science might fix climate change

Few scientists like to say so, but cutting greenhouse-gas emissions 
is not the only way to solve the problem of global warming. If 
man-made technologies are capable of heating the planet, they are 
probably capable of cooling it down again. Welcome to 
"geo-engineering", which holds that, rather than trying to change 
mankind's industrial habits, it is more efficient to counter the 
effects, using planetary-scale engineering.

This general approach has been kicking around for decades. A paper on 
climate change prepared for President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 made no 
mention of cutting greenhouse-gas emissions. It nonchalantly proposed 
dealing with the results by dumping vast quantities of reflective 
particles into the oceans, to increase the amount of sunlight 
reflected into space.

That school of thinking has since fallen out of fashion. As 
scientists have accumulated evidence for global warming and its 
possible consequences, so the scientific and political consensus has 
favoured attempts at reducing carbon emissions through taxes and 
regulations and subsidies, many of them directed at factories and 

More needs to be done. Greenhouse-gas levels have gone on rising. The 
rapid industrialisation of China and India means they are going to 
rise even more.

This gloomy outlook has encouraged new interest in a technological 
fix. A scientific journal, Climatic Change, published a series of 
papers on the subject in August, including one by Paul Crutzen, a 
Nobel-prize-winning atmospheric chemist. Other journals followed up. 
In November the Carnegie Institution and NASA held a conference.

Many big ideas for global cooling have been suggested over the years. 
They include seeding the skies with compounds to encourage the 
formation of low-lying, cooling clouds; building a giant sun-shade in 
space; and dumping iron in the oceans to encourage the growth of 
algae that would take in carbon when alive and trap it in on the sea 
floor when dead.

Ken Caldeira, a scientist at the Carnegie Institution, says the most 
promising idea may be to spray tiny sulphate particles into the upper 
atmosphere, where they will reflect incoming sunlight. Nature has 
already done the proof-of-concept work: volcanic eruptions spew such 
particles into the air, and the cooling effect is well documented.

Schemes of this kind may sound half-crazy; and, admittedly, they do 
tend to have some technical and aesthetic complications. Deliberately 
polluting the stratosphere would make the sky less blue, although 
sunsets would probably be prettier. Blocking out the sun might keep 
the planet cool, but it would do little to address other effects of 
high carbon-dioxide levels, such as the acidification of the oceans.

Deliberately polluting the stratosphere would make the sky less blue, 
but sunsets would probably be prettierA more fundamental objection is 
that the models used in geo-engineering are similar to those used in 
forecasting climate change. Which is to say, they rely similarly on 
assumptions and extrapolations.

Still, the basic science seems sound. "I started doing this work in 
an attempt to show that geo-engineering was a bad idea," says Mr 
Caldeira. "I still think it's a bad idea, but every simulation we do 
seems to shows it could be made to work."

Ralph Cicerone, president of America's National Academy of Sciences, 
has said that geo-engineering inspires opposition for "various and 
sincere reasons that are not wholly scientific". Others might say the 
same about its support. One early enthusiast was Edward Teller, an 
emigre Hungarian physicist known in America as the "father of the 
hydrogen bomb", and often cited as an inspiration for Dr Strangelove.

Scientists tend now to see geo-engineering research as a form of 
insurance policy against the effects of continued global warning, not 
as an excuse for downplaying the problem, nor for tolerating more 
carbon emissions in the meantime.

You might expect green groups to applaud this belt-and-braces 
approach. More often, they resist it in principle, and have little 
time for the research involved. At worst they seem to see it as a 
scheme by devious scientists to thwart Nature's just revenge.

Still, there is a reasonable fear here that an illusory hope of a 
scientific fix might undermine the sort of dogged and grubby policy 
solutions, such as carbon caps and carbon quotas, needed for taking 
the fight against climate change to its source.

The <>precautionary 
principle, which calls for extra prudence in areas of scientific 
uncertainty, also applies. You can look at climate change as an 
experiment which mankind has -- to its horror -- found itself 
performing on the planet. To start a second experiment, in the hopes 
of counteracting the first, would be, to put it mildly, rather risky.

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