Darryl McMahon quoted an article that included:

>Fund new technology to curb climate change: oil executive
>New technology, not "punitive measures," is the best
>way to help oil and gas companies in Canada reduce
>pollution, an Alberta oil executive told a special
>legislative committee on Tuesday.
>Gordon Lambert, vice-president, sustainable
>development for Suncor Energy Inc., said the federal
>government should set up a new technology fund to
>help oil and gas companies develop innovative ways
>to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

    Let's see if I understand this:

    1.  Oil companies are making BILLIONS in profits from the recent 
price spikes in oil.

    2.  Consumers are funding those profits.

    3.  A tacit admission that the responsibility for creating the 
carbon pollution lies with the oil companies.

    4.  The oil companies are asking for a government handout to develop 
new technology to sequester carbon.

             In effect, the oil companies want taxpayers to fund their R 
& D.

    Hmmm . . .

    Here's what I propose:

    1.  Use LESS energy!

    2.  A significant windfall profits tax on the oil companies.

    3.  Significant financial incentives for consumers to invest in 
efficiency at home.

    4.  Significant financial incentives for communities to plan for 
lowered energy use.

    5.  A significant tax on energy use that will encourage conservation.

    6.  Using the carbon as raw material to BUILD THINGS rather than 
"sequestering," which is geologic nonsense!

    7.  DO something NOW, rather than keeping to the "business as usual" 

    But then, I'm a guest in your country, Darryl, so I don't want to 
complain . . .

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

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