Biofuels Report: Introduction

Pat Thomas: Introduction

Robin Maynard: Against the Grain

Renton Righelato: Forests or Fuel?

Mark Anslow: Biofuels - Facts and Fiction

Harriet Williams: How Green is my Tank?

Robin Maynard & Pat Thomas: The Next GM Revolution?

Jeremy Smith & Jon Hughes: Less Waste, More Speed

In his final State of the Union address, George Bush announced his 
support for the adoption of biofuels on a massive scale. But is the 
plan such a good idea? By Pat Thomas
Date:01/03/2007         Author:Pat Thomas

There is an old saying: If something sounds too good to be true, it 
probably is.

In the current scramble to face up to the realities of climate change 
and the current peak oil demand, pundits on both sides of the 
ecological debate have embraced the concept of biofuels - renewable 
fuels derived from vegetable matter - as an effective solution to the 
impending global crisis.

The theory seems simple enough. By burning plant-derived energy we 
are burning a carbon-neutral fuel, because the CO2 released through 
combustion of plant fuels is equal to what the plant took out of the 
atmosphere in the first place.

But the science is far from complete, the energy savings far from 
convincing and, although many see biofuels as a way to avoid the kind 
of resource wars currently raging in the Middle East and elsewhere, 
going down that road may in the end provoke a wider series of 
resource wars - this time over food, water and habitable land.

The scale of Bush's and others enthusiasm for biofuels, seems, once 
one knows the details, to make little sense. Except perhaps as one of 
the biggest global investment opportunities in decades.

Currently politicians, global food and fuel corporations and biotech 
companies are all vying for position. The pieces are shifting so 
radically and so quickly on the global chessboard that food 
multinationals like Unilever, fearful of a marketplace that pits food 
against fuel, now find themselves using words like 'deforestation' 
and 'sustainable farming' and rubbing shoulders with non-governmental 
organisations who have been so critical of them in the past.

To make the numbers work, the biofuels industry is being propped up 
by substantial discounts in fuel duties, tax breaks and subsidies, 
import bans and the government mandates to implement them. Without 
these, biofuels - particularly the first-generation biofuels, 
bioethanol and biodiesel - would never find their way to the 

Simply replacing our fossil fuels with biofuels, however, misses the 
point: it is not the world's ability to supply us with energy that is 
the problem, but our inability to know when to stop consuming. To 
solve this we need to look carefully at our total energy landscape: 
how we use our cars, how we heat our homes and how we design our 
houses, flats and public buildings, how we plan our communities, how 
and where we grow our food, the 'environmental footprints' of all the 
things we consume. Without attention to these details the energy 
crisis will only deepen.

In conceiving real solutions we need to be able to look to models of 
genuine sustainability - many of which exist on the local scale - 
rather than those that promote the illusion of sustainability at a 
national or global level. Brazil is a good example of this illusion. 
Biofuel enthusiasts often point to that country as a model for all 
that is good about the biofuel revolution. Yet Brazil is a troubled 

Its sugar-cane industry is built on the back of slavery and low 
wages. It is now converting half of its sugar harvest into bioethanol 
and, while 40 per cent of Brazil's cars may be running on this fuel 
(the figures are not at all clear, since many ordinary people have 
switched back to petrol as the market price for bioethanol there has 
risen), the country's rich and diverse landscape is rapidly being 
ploughed under to make way for more plantations, which will produce 
more ethanol for home and export markets. These days, 80 per cent of 
Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions come not from cars but from 

In the articles that follow, The Ecologist examines the biofuels 
phenomenon from a range of different perspectives, including those of 
farmers, car manufacturers and conservationists. We tackle the myths 
that fuel the current fervour for biofuels, the GM agenda behind 
their promotion and propose simpler, smaller, more localised 
solutions that can make a difference to the energy crisis.

What is clear is that biofuels can only ever make a smallscale 
contribution to our energy demands. Jeffery Dukes, author of Burning 
Buried Sunshine: the human consumption of ancient solar energy, has 
calculated that, at current rates of use, we burn up four centuries' 
worth of fossilised animals and plants in the forms of oil, coal and 
gas. Without positive, even aggressive, efforts to reduce the world's 
overall use of energy, their contribution on a global scale will be 
too little and too late, and may even promote greater damage to the 
environment over the long term.

Conservation and moderation are a hard sell both to industry and the 
average 'consumer'. But it is clear that to avoid dealing with the 
politically unpopular need to reduce fossil fuel consumption, our 
leaders are throwing their weight behind expensive programmes 
involving alternative fuels that distort the marketplace and are 
unlikely to produce substantial benefits for decades, if in fact they 
produce any benefits at all.

Pat Thomas is The Ecologist's health editor

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