Wha??????  I did have to replace the radio in my '91 VW because after I
replaced the battery, it went into security mode and wouldn't turn on
again.  And I refused to go to the dealership to have them fix that.  I
suppose I was supposed to take it there to get the battery replaced to begin

This is why I am building my own electric cars.  One from a 1974 pickup, and
one from a recumbent bicycle (if I lived on the flatland, the regular
bicycle itself would be fine.... but pedling up 4,000 feet in elevation gets
tiring at times and I'd like electric assist -- solar recharged, of course)


On 5/22/07, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe an open source car?
The problem with new cars is that they can't be fixed.  I knew someone
who got a new BMW 540 and it was replaced by insurance after the radio was
stolen.  Wiring and electronics too messed up to fix.  80k disposable car!

Dawie Coetzee wrote:

> The problem I've got with the Smart is that it embodies the motor
> industry's kind of closed-technology, capital-intensive,
> disposable, owner-unfixable, economies-of-scale-sensitive approach as
> much any other new car: possibly even more. I've often wondered if it
> can be corrected by a few minor tweaks, but every time I've done that
> exercise I've found that I'd very early cast out every last vestige of
> the Smart and designed an Austin Seven instead!
> Also, the Smart's brief is to do the job that ought to be done by
> walking.     -D
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Sent: Monday, 21 May, 2007 11:28:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: US Gasoline Prices Hit All Time Historical
> Highest Level - Adjusted For Inflation
> Still, this morning as I went into the city in my relatively small VW
> Biodiesel Golf, I saw hundreds of single occupant SUVs
> pass me.  Why don't we have smart cars in the US?  I don't even need a
> VW most of the time.  All I need to carry is a few computers and a
> tools.
> Keith Addison wrote:
> >If you put a bit more effort into it I'm sure you can hit $10 a
> gallon soon.
> >
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg69797.html
> >Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Gas Station Owner Told to Raise Prices
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>US Gasoline Prices Hit All Time Historical Highest Level - Adjusted
> >>For Inflation
> >>
> >>US average, self-serve, unleaded regular hits $3.18
> >>
> >>This is a point we have been dreading. Before this,
> >>the all time highest US average gasoline (regular) price
> >>was during 1981 (March IIRC). Adjusted for inflation,
> >>we finally topped it, and appear to be still climbing at a
> >>steady pace. It was announced on the news yesterday
> >>(Sunday) on PBS.
> >>
> >>CNN verifies it, today:
> >>http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/21/news/economy/record_gas_monday/
> >>
> >>Here is a webpage, anticipating it, but not being able
> >>to anticipate what the number would be, or when it
> >>would get reached:
> >>http://www.answers.com/topic/oil-price-increases-of-2004-2006
> >>
> >>We got close in 2006
> >>http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2006/07/gas_prices_allt.html
> >>
> >>We got closer, earlier this month:
> >>http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=21867
> >>
> >>http://zfacts.com/p/35.html
> >>
> >>This website that was set up to say "gasoline is cheap"
> >>now shows that today it has gotten expensive, by their
> >>standards. http://www.nationalreview.com/moore/moore082803chart.asp
> >>
> >>http://infohost.nmt.edu/~armiller/gasprices.htm
> <http://infohost.nmt.edu/%7Earmiller/gasprices.htm>
> >>
> >>This one will give you an idea of the kind of misleading
> >>verse that we were being fed by Washington, and that
> >>some propagandists still spout, even in the face of reality.
> >>http://www.cted.wa.gov/energy/archive/Indicators99/Indicator24.htm
> >>
> >>Here is a radical, George Will, trying to make fun of
> >>the concern about gasoline prices, just last month. However,
> >>since then, the pump price has gone up 18% (since last month)
> >>and is now at the highest price in history, both in actual dollars,
> >>and also in inflation adjusted dollars.
> >>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR200
> >>7040402251.html
> >>
> >>http://jalopnik.com/cars/gas-prices/never-mind-the-4-per-gallon-heres
> >>-the-summer-road-trips-61124.php This one would be funny, if it
> >>weren't so sad: from last month: Quote: "says Tom Kloza, chief oil
> >>analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, an energy consulting
> >>firm. "The reality is that we're nearing the highs of the year, and
> >>within 30 days there will be more gasoline on the market The article
> >>was dated 4/25/2007, twenty six days ago, and the quote was from
> >>before that. Those prices better drop fast. Instead they have
> >>climbed about 15%. Here is an other quote from the deceptive
> >>"experts:" "The most recent Energy Dept. forecast, released Apr.10,
> >>predicted retail regular gasoline prices would average $2.81 per
> >>gallon in the summer of 2007 (April-September)." We are already
> >>nearly 40% through that time, and prices are still climbing. Here is
> >>another one: ""We expect to see prices flatten around where they are
> >>now," says Douglas MacIntyre, senior oil analyst for the f
> >>ederal Energy Information Administration, part of the DOE. "More
> >>refinery outages and higher crude prices could push it to $3 Since
> >>then the price has climbed about 18%, to $3.18, the highest price in
> >>history. More: "experts say consumers are actually getting a bargain
> >>at the pump, as prices are still lower than in the early 1980s,
> >>adjusted for inflation." Since then the price has climbed about 18%,
> >>to $3.18, the highest pump price in history. Another: "On a national
> >>average, gasoline prices actually decreased for the week of Apr. 23,
> >>falling 0.7 to $2.87 per gallon"
> >>http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20070426/bs_bw/apr2007db20070426139334Since
> >>then the price has climbed 11%, to $3.18, the highest price in
> >>history. Also the old record year 1981 only averaged $2.64 (adjusted
> >>to 2006 dollars) while 2006 averaged $2.81, and this year is looking
> >>to set a new record average, not just the highest price records. .
> >>http://www.swivel.com/data_columns/spreadsheet/2690244 However,
> >>gasoline is
> >>still a lot more expensive in other countries. And another curious
> >>fact. Adjusted for inflation, the cost of oil was around $90 a
> >>barrel, back in 1981. It is hanging at around 2/3rds of that today.
> >>The difference is going to the oil companies, not for the purchase
> >>of oil. They are currently, with two oil men in the White house,
> >>reaping the largest profits of any companies in the history of the
> >>human race. -Laren Corie- Solar Building Design Since 1975
> >>www.LarenCorie.com <http://www.larencorie.com/>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Biofuel mailing list
> >Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >
> >
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> >http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> >
> >Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> messages):
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/
> >
> >
> >
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