ETC Group
News Release
17 October 2007

Syns of Omission:
Civil Society Organizations Respond to Report on Synthetic Biology 
Governance from the J. Craig Venter Institute and Alfred P. Sloan 

A report released today on policy options for governance of synthetic 
biology is a disappointing effort that fails to address wider 
societal concerns about the rapid deployment of a powerful and 
controversial new technology. Synthetic biology aims to commercialize 
new biological parts, devices and living organisms that are 
constructed from synthetic DNA - including dangerous pathogens. 
Synthetic biologists are attempting to harness cells as tiny 
factories for industrial production of chemicals, including 
pharmaceuticals and fuels. ETC Group describes the synthetic biology 
approach as "extreme genetic engineering."

The report, authored by scientists and employees from the J. Craig 
Venter Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the 
Center for Strategic & International Studies (Washington, D.C.) was 
funded by a half-million dollar grant from the U.S.-based Alfred P. 
Sloan Foundation and billed as a "project to examine the societal 
implications of synthetic genomics."1 The study was more than two 
years in the making, but the report makes no policy recommendations 
and failed to properly consult civil society. While the authors do 
acknowledge possible bio-error (i.e., synbio accidents that cause 
unintended harm to human health and the environment), the emphasis is 
on how to impede bioterrorists "in a post-September 11 world."

"This report is a partial consideration of governance by a partisan 
group of authors," explains Jim Thomas of ETC Group. "Its authors are 
'Synthusiasts' - or, unabashed synthetic biology boosters - who are 
primarily concerned about holding down costs and regulatory burdens 
that could allegedly stymie the rapid development of the new 
industry. By focusing narrowly on safety and security in a U.S.- 
centric context, the report conveniently overlooks important 
questions related to power, control and the economic impacts of 
synthetic biology. The authors have ignored the first and most basic 
questions: Is synthetic biology socially acceptable or desirable? Who 
should decide? Who will control the technology, and what are its 
potential impacts?"

The report's authors include representatives from institutions with a 
vested interest in commercialization of synthetic biology. According 
to the J. Craig Venter Institute, one of the three institutions that 
led the study, scientists are just weeks or months away from 
announcing the creation of the world's first-ever living bacterium 
with entirely synthetic DNA and a novel genome. Scientists from the 
Venter Institute have already applied for patents on the artificial 
microbe, dubbed "Synthia,"and Craig Venter predicts that it could be 
the first billion or trillion dollar organism. The report fails to 
address issues of ownership, monopoly practices or intellectual 
property claims arising from synthetic biology.

"The sixty-page report has oodles of input from a small circle of 
scientists and policy 'experts,' but the 20-month long study fails to 
incorporate views of civil society and social movements," points out 
Hope Shand, ETC Group's Research Director. "An insular process like 
the one that produced the Sloan report instills little confidence in 
the results."

The economic and technical barriers to synthetic genomics are 
collapsing. Using a laptop computer, published gene sequence 
information and mail-order synthetic DNA, it is becoming routine to 
construct genes or entire genomes from scratch - including those of 
lethal pathogens. The tools for DNA synthesis technologies are 
advancing at break-neck pace - they're becoming cheaper, faster and 
widely accessible. The authors acknowledge this reality, and evaluate 
several options for addressing it.

One proposal aimed at "legitimate users" of the technology - those 
working in industry labs, for example - is to broaden the 
responsibilities of Institutional Biosafety Committees, which were 
established (in the US) to assess the biosafety and environmental 
risks of proposed recombinant DNA experiments.

Edward Hammond, Director of the Sunshine Project, a biotech and 
bioweapons watchdog, argues, "Institutional Biosafety Committees are 
a documented disaster. IBCs aren't up to their existing task of 
overseeing genetic engineering research, much less ready to absorb 
new synthetic biology and security mandates. The authors of this 
report are aware of the abject failure of voluntary compliance by 
IBCs, including by the Venter Institute's own IBC. So it is very 
difficult to interpret their suggestion that IBCs oversee synthetic 
biology as anything but a cynical attempt to avoid effective 

Options for governing synthetic biology must not be set by the 
synthetic biologists themselves - broad societal debate on synbio's 
wider implications must come first. Synthetic microbes should be 
treated as dangerous until proven harmless and strong democratic 
oversight should be mandatory - not optional. Earlier this year the 
ETC Group recommended a ban on environmental release of de novo 
synthetic organisms until wide societal debate and strong governance 
are in place.

ETC and other civil society organizations have called repeatedly for 
an inclusive, wide ranging public dialogue process on societal 
implications and oversight options for Synthetic Biology.

The full text of "Synthetic Genomics: Options for Governance" is 
available here:

ETC Group's January 2007 report on synthetic biology, Extreme Genetic 
Engineering, is available here:

Backgrounder: Open Letter on Synthetic Biology from Civil Society, 
May 2006:

For further information:

ETC Group (Montreal, Canada)
Jim Thomas
Tel: +1 514 516-5759

ETC Group (Carrboro, NC, USA)
Hope Shand
Kathy Jo Wetter
Tel: +1 919 960-5223

ETC Group (Ottawa, Canada)
Pat Mooney
Tel: +1 613 2412267

Sunshine Project (Austin, TX, USA)
Edward Hammond
Tel: +1 512-494-0545

1 See, for example, MIT news release, June 28, 2005, "Study to 
explore risks, benefits of synthetic genomics," available on the 


>Source: 2007/oct/
>06/genetics. climatechange
>I am creating artificial life, declares US gene
>· Scientist has made synthetic chromosome
>· Breakthrough could combat global warming
>Ed Pilkington in New York
>The Guardian
>Saturday October 6 2007
>Craig Venter, the controversial DNA researcher
>involved in the race to decipher the human genetic
>code, has built a synthetic chromosome out of
>laboratory chemicals and is poised to announce the
>creation of the first new artificial life form on
>The announcement, which is expected within weeks and
>could come as early as Monday at the annual meeting of
>his scientific institute in San Diego, California,
>will herald a giant leap forward in the development of
>designer genomes. It is certain to provoke heated
>debate about the ethics of creating new species and
>could unlock the door to new energy sources and
>techniques to combat global warming.
>Mr Venter told the Guardian he thought this landmark
>would be "a very important philosophical step in the
>history of our species. We are going from reading our
>genetic code to the ability to write it. That gives us
>the hypothetical ability to do things never
>contemplated before".
>The Guardian can reveal that a team of 20 top
>scientists assembled by Mr Venter, led by the Nobel
>laureate Hamilton Smith, has already constructed a
>synthetic chromosome, a feat of virtuoso
>bio-engineering never previously achieved. Using
>lab-made chemicals, they have painstakingly stitched
>together a chromosome that is 381 genes long and
>contains 580,000 base pairs of genetic code.
>The DNA sequence is based on the bacterium Mycoplasma
>genitalium which the team pared down to the bare
>essentials needed to support life, removing a fifth of
>its genetic make-up. The wholly synthetically
>reconstructed chromosome, which the team have
>christened Mycoplasma laboratorium, has been
>watermarked with inks for easy recognition.
>It is then transplanted into a living bacterial cell
>and in the final stage of the process it is expected
>to take control of the cell and in effect become a new
>life form. The team of scientists has already
>successfully transplanted the genome of one type of
>bacterium into the cell of another, effectively
>changing the cell's species. Mr Venter said he was
>"100% confident" the same technique would work for the
>artificially created chromosome.
>The new life form will depend for its ability to
>replicate itself and metabolise on the molecular
>machinery of the cell into which it has been injected,
>and in that sense it will not be a wholly synthetic
>life form. However, its DNA will be artificial, and it
>is the DNA that controls the cell and is credited with
>being the building block of life.
>Mr Venter said he had carried out an ethical review
>before completing the experiment. "We feel that this
>is good science," he said. He has further heightened
>the controversy surrounding his potential breakthrough
>by applying for a patent for the synthetic bacterium.
>Pat Mooney, director of a Canadian bioethics
>organisation, ETC group, said the move was an enormous
>challenge to society to debate the risks involved.
>"Governments, and society in general, is way behind
>the ball. This is a wake-up call - what does it mean
>to create new life forms in a test-tube?"
>He said Mr Venter was creating a "chassis on which you
>could build almost anything. It could be a
>contribution to humanity such as new drugs or a huge
>threat to humanity such as bio-weapons" .
>Mr Venter believes designer genomes have enormous
>positive potential if properly regulated. In the
>long-term, he hopes they could lead to alternative
>energy sources previously unthinkable. Bacteria could
>be created, he speculates, that could help mop up
>excessive carbon dioxide, thus contributing to the
>solution to global warming, or produce fuels such as
>butane or propane made entirely from sugar.
>"We are not afraid to take on things that are
>important just because they stimulate thinking," he
>said. "We are dealing in big ideas. We are trying to
>create a new value system for life. When dealing at
>this scale, you can't expect everybody to be happy."

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