Not that I put a lot of though into it but why would the industries sell it
at 10$ ? They want to sell they don't want to reduce demand. More the
opposite. Someone else should make that it is sold at 10$. Maybe an "on the
way to be extinct tax". Then no one would be interested to buy a boat and go
tuna fishing... 

Maybe after all it is what you're saying when writing, " but I no longer
believe the average person is capable of self government". They need a
government to govern.


> From: Guag Meister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 05:43:59 -0700 (PDT)
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Why the Planet is Sick
> Hi All ;
> What a fascinating review, presented in a much more convincing way than I ever
> could.  And sorry to say, I have come to the same conclusion after grappling
> with the question from every angle over several years.
> Here's an example.  I can buy a can of tuna fish for 30 Thai baht, less than
> $1.  Deep sea tuna are being fished to extinction and yet I can buy a can for
> under $1.  The price should be $10 or higher to reduce demand, right?  But the
> problem is, if I artificially set the price at $10, what is the first thing
> that will happen?  Answer: a whole bunch of people will buy boats and go tuna
> fishing because it will be so profitable.  Capitalism causes this problem, and
> capitalism cannot provide a solution.
> My view (after many years of somber contemplation) (and probably not shared by
> everyone) is that the average person, unfortunately, is not capable of making
> decisions that effect the whole society.  This includes finite resource
> allocation and includes election of government leaders.  Sorry, but I no
> longer beleive the average person is capable of self government.  The fact
> that GWB got elected twice should be proof enough lol.  After the American
> revolution when the society was young and God fearing, capitalism worked
> amazingly well.  But American society is haemorrhaging, spiraling down, and
> therefore not stable.
> The posted articlce is right on the money (sorry Americans spreading
> democracy).  Capitalisn doesn't work in the long run (> 500 years).  Short
> run, emphatically YES it works.
> BR
> Peter G.
> Thailand

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