Correct on both counts. It helps if you ask a quesation...

 I can answer this for you from my perspective. The Biodiesel list started (not 
sure how long, but I have been a member for years) as a resource for people 
making Biodiesel, which is why I joined originally. I guess most on the list 
are a bit like me, people concerned about sustainability, & wishing to leve the 
world in a state that the next few generations can live a prosperous, safe & 
happy existence. It seems however that this is not necessarily true any more.
 In my case, I built a processing setup & made some Biodiesel. Then I bought a 
new diesel car, that has electronic injection. The economics were not in 
risking my fuel in a car that cost a lot if it broke...
 The Journey-to-forever site is a huge resource for people like me: everything 
from sustainability, farming, lifestyle etc. This is a worldwide resource, not 
just for the US. It shows that the whole world needs to think about the future 
(Was it the American Indians that said you must remember 3 generations past, & 
prepare for 3 generations in the future?). My feeling, as someone in the post 
middle age is that we are now rushing to the cliff like a mob of lemmings. The 
environment seems to be ignored in the quest for money, Creeks that were 
pristine in my youth 50 years ago are now polluted (even the ones in the 
wilderness). Many people do not even connect food with farmers now: everything 
seems to come from a factory.
 Iam not saying that we need to stop progress, or revert to a simpler life. I 
merely want to get the idea accepted that there are costs to the world caused 
by our current use of resources & with the current world population there is a 
need to plan the way ahead carefully so we can guarantee that future 
generations will have an equivalent lifestyle to what we have enjoyed, but 
hopefully with more equitable use of resources.
 One of my worries for the future is that the political systems seem intent on 
continuing the same way as has been for many years past: Politics seems to be 
steered by vested interests who want to continue controlling everything 
necessary for life: our food (there are only a handful of companies who control 
most of the worlds seeds), water is now being privatised, power generation is 
in the hands of huge companies who are fearful of the ability of householders 
to generate their own power, Transport is being controlled by the Oil companies 
who do not want Electric cars taking their profits, etc etc.

 So to end it, the Members of this list are here because they are concerned 
about the future. I am sure that you have concerns too, but saw this list as 
limited to Biodiesel. So your choice is either to leave, or to stay & ask the 
questions. I am sure that there are experts who will help you. I know I would 
help where I could, but I am not an expert.

 The reason I like this list is because most information has links to the 
original information. The problem with the web is that there is so much 

regards Doug (in sunny Australia)

On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 15:51:46 -0400
Stephen Rhodes <> wrote:

> When I signed up for this, I mistakenly thought there would be some info on 
> sustainable bio-diesel info.  This is just a blog for people who want to be 
> heard.  
> Please remove my name from a this mailing lost.
> Ty
> SR
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Doug <>
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