Public concern for oil spill

Christy Boyd

Published on January 08, 2014

CHANGE ISLANDS — Residents of Change Islands have expressed concern over the situation with the Manolis L. since the first appearance of an oil sheen in March of 2013.

Many of them can remember back in 1985 when the vessel came aground and sank. It’s estimated that the ship was carrying between 400 and 500 tonnes of bunker oil and over 100 tonnes of light diesel.

Change Islands native Carolyn R. Parsons created a Facebook page — Manolis L Oil Spill Cleanup Effort — on Dec. 21 to help share information with concerned citizens.

She said, “The page is a hub to share information and ideas on how we can raise awareness of what is happening. This is not an attack page, but rather a place where all information can be found in one place.”

The Facebook page is a combined effort of individuals from Twillingate, New World Island and Fogo Island. As Ms. Parsons noted, this problem is not limited to Change Islands. With the water currents and the wind, the oil leaking from the Manolis L. will likely travel to other parts of the region.

Bonavista, Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor MP Scott Simms said in an interview with the Pilot regarding a long-term plan, “Back in the spring when we inquired about it, I posed the question to the Minister of Fisheries or Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), but the answer came from the Minister of Environment and Conservation, which was a good sign. It led me to believe that it was serious enough that the long-term planning was taking place.”

MP Simms noted the CCG is doing what they can with the neoprene seals and the surveillance. Recently MP Simms wrote a letter to the Environment Minister as a follow-up to his response last spring.

He said, “The new Minister of Environment, Leona Aglukkaq basically threw it over to the CCG. The CCG doesn’t do the long-term planning. They do some of it, but they are a support mechanism for that. The money needs to be there, so my understanding that there was a submission in front of the Treasury Board to get the money but I don’t know the status of that and if its final. Word has it that they have done some research to see which company can take the oil out of the water, all 500 tonnes of it.”

MP Simms continued by saying, “What government needs to answer is when the weather breaks come spring what is to done? Does the government have a plan to get that oil out of the water at that time? We already missed last summer and if we miss another summer this could be even worse for next fall and winter.”

“There’s currently a process on the west coast in British Columbia to get the oil out of a ship that sank in the 1940’s. There was a large public campaign about that too. So I think we should also wage a large public campaign to bring some attention to it. Considering where it is and the currents in the area this is going to be very devastating if 500 tonnes or even a fraction of it gets out into the water.”

Ms. Parsons and the Facebook group is starting a letter writing campaign to Minister Aglukkaq to ask for assistance in reaching the Treasury Board for funding to remove the oil from the sunken Manolis L. and information regarding where to send letters can be found on the Facebook page.

The Pilot also spoke with The Isles of Notre Dame MHA and Natural Resources Minister Derrick Dalley has been in close contact with the Department of Environment and Conservation and the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture regarding the issue of the Manolis L. Until recently he was also involved as the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. He noted that although the Federal Government and the CCG are lead on this issue, the province is still engaged.

“There is a science table set up where we have fairly regular conference calls to discuss this issue and receive regular updates,” said Minister Dalley. “The Provincial Government sits at that table with representatives from the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Department of Environment and Conservation.”

He has requested a meeting with the head of the CCG for an update on the immediate short-term work being done from a district perspective. As well, he has planned to meet with the Federal Minister Responsible for Newfoundland and Labrador, Rob Moore early in the new year to discuss long-term plans.

As for individuals involved in the clean-up effort Ms. Parsons said, “We have to continue to put the pressure on government to ensure the oil is cleaned up and a long-term solution found before it becomes an environmental disaster.”

Darryl McMahon
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