FYI. 3 years after "Fukushima".  

Please let me know if you want more info or participate in any way.  



Stable natural energy for a safe Tokyo2020

April 22 2014 a group of journalists and engineers in Tokyo
initiated the "Safe City Japan Project". 

The project targets to install 1000 small wood fired
combined heat power units in Olympic facilities, 
hotels and apartment buildings by August 2020.

Based on the experience of the earthquake, tsunami and
nuclear catastrophy in Northeast Japan March 2011
and on the pledge [1] by The Tokyo Organising Committee of the 
Olympic and Paralympic Games to use only green energy for Tokyo2020,
the devices will provide disaster resilient distributed electricity
and hot water from local renewable and sustainable resources.

An event like March 2011 hitting Tokyo Metropolis 
cutting water, gas and electricity lines will within hours 
turn 10 Mio residents into refugees with no place to go
even if all buildings remain intact.

The project emphasizes distributed energy supply with storable fuel.
Each machine can support 70 average Japanese households with 
electricity and heat from wood chips.

1000 machines will usually serve only 70000 households.
However during a crisis the distributed machines will be able
to power nighttime lighting and telecommunication 
for about 7 Mio households, because during a power crisis 
high priority electricity need is only 1% of normal consumption. 

Distributed emergency power for 7 Mio households will make
a substantial contribution towards disaster resistance
of the large cities of Japan.

Installation cost is estimated at less than JPY100billion, 
to be financed with green electricity sales proceeds.
Nominal output 45MW electricity and 90MW heat, 
yearly energy is 1PJ electricity and 2PJ heat.

The projects impact beyond the Olymic Games 2020 
disaster resistance as value to urban residents,
new growth markets to forestry, and tangible progress 
towards storable, renewable and sustainable energy supply
for modern Japan.




Dr Oskar Bartenstein
IFCJ KK Ecolifelab
5-28-2 Sendagi Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1130022
oskar (dot) bartenstein (at) ecolifelab (dot) com +81-(0)90-9316-0956
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