One of the leads that added interested for me in regards to beekeeping was the 
video "Queen of the Sun", and on their website, there's a page of people who 
contributed information.


Molecular Biologist, Goetheanum

Johannes is a molecular biologist on the staff of the Research Laboratory at 
the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. His current research projects include 
an effort to develop criteria for beekeeping that do not include chemical 
attacks against the varroa mite, which is proving so devastating to honey bees 

He may be able to put you in touch with people who are informed in the areas of 
your interests

doug swanson

----- Original Message -----
From: Zeke Yewdall <>
Sent: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 14:39:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Biofuel] Any beekeeping contacts in Switzerland?

I am trying to find out more about the beehouses used in Switzerland (and
other mountainous regions in Europe).  There's very little info on them
here in the US, but the standard langstroth hive does not work as well in
cold winter climates, from what I can gather.  And, they require electric
fences for any protection from bears, and even with them, bear invasions
are common in the mountains.  But, they're cheap... the US way of doing
things.    I am considering making a trip to Switzerland next summer to
research these more and see how they function, however, I need to get some
contacts there first and see if it's possible to set up a tour of
beehouses, etc. My not speaking German is not helping the research ;)
But, I figured this list might have some ideas.


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