I use it as a Green News Gatherer... very few times I wrote in it but I do forward some relevant links to people.
If it disappears I will miss it



-----Original Message----- From: Chip Mefford
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:25 PM
To: Sustainablelorgbiofuel@lists.sustainablelists.org
Subject: [Biofuel] The Future of the Biofuels mailing list,your input needed.

Good day all;

As of this morning, there are 456 subscribers to this list.

The recent news of Keith's passing come as sad news to us all and we saw a tiny uptick in traffic over those few days. Since then, we're back to some updates
on issues that many of us find interesting by Darryl, and not much else.

So, I need to hear from you, as in a *lot* of you if you want to see this list continue.

The archives are in place, and as of right now, it's the intention to keep them in place, but I'm uncertain that this list is really serving any further purpose.

Keith and I have discussed this very issue many times over the last 5 or so years. I offered to host the list in order to keep it going a few years back. But now
that we are no longer blessed with Keith's insights, well, I'm not sure
this list is really relevant.

So, please respond to this posting with your thoughts. I'll need to hear from
a lot of you.

Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list
Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

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