Morocco turns on the first phase of the largest concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in the world


Morocco has achieved the first phase of the world’s largest concentrated solar power (CSP) plant.

Once completed in 2018, the power station on the edge of the Saharan desert will be the size of the country’s capital city and supply electricity for 1.1 million people. Noor 1, the first phase of the three-plant Noor-Ouarzazate CSP complex, provides 160 MW of the ultimate 580MW capacity, helping Morocco to save hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Electricity generated from the first phase would be sold at $0.19 per kilowatt/hour. The north African nation plans to generate 42% of its energy from renewables by 2020, with one-third of that total arriving from solar, wind and hydropower each and 52% by 2030, helping to reduce its dependency on oil for power generation. Concentrated solar power plants (CSPs) work differently than a photovoltaic installation. CSPs use lots of mirrors to capture the thermal energy of the sun, and use it to convert water into steam to turn turbines.
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