Newport Biodiesel expanding operation with loans

By Kate Bramson

Journal Staff Writer

Posted Jul. 28, 2016 at 5:32 PM

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A Newport company that collects used cooking oil from more than 3,000 New England restaurants and converts it to clean-burning biodiesel expects a $400,000 loan that was approved Thursday will help it expand and hire more employees.

The Small Business Loan Fund Corporation approved the loan to Newport Biodiesel at its regular monthly meeting. The company expects the money to help it hire new employees, increasing staff from 27 to 35 people, Loan Fund board member Lee W. Mercer said.

The company is also getting a $400,000 loan from Webster Bank, said Robert Morton, a company founder who is now chairman of the firm's board.

Both loans will go toward the company's planned $1-million purchase of new, more efficient equipment for its facility at 312 J.T. Connell Highway in Newport, Morton said in an interview after the board meeting, which he did not attend.

When the company started in 2007, it produced 150,000 gallons of biodiesel, which can be used in vehicles that run on diesel fuel and in boilers that operate on oil, Morton said. The private company doesn't disclose revenue, but Morton said it now produces 4.5 million gallons of biodiesel a year. With this planned expansion, he said, the company hopes to produce about 7 million gallons a year within a couple of year.

Established in 1986 with federal funds, the Small Business Loan Fund Corporation is a public subsidiary corporation of the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation. As companies such as Newport Biodiesel pay back their loans, the principal and interest is used for subsequent loans.
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