Try 50/50 kerosene/SVO! I used new oil and kerosene and it worked in my
driveway testing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Can Biod be replace central heating oil?

  Dana Linscott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  >One of our members is also considering using the
  >glycerine component of BD production as home heating
  >fuel and so will need to have this type of setup to
  >keep it liquid. He has no room in his basement for the
  >tanks and so is planning on building an insulated
  >"shed" on the side of his home large enough for a 500
  >gallon tank. He has chosen as his "project" to try
  >modifying a standard fuel oil furnace "gun" to work
  >with the Glycerine component of BD production.
  >Does anyone have any pointers having done this
  >themselves. Theorys?

  I know Aleks was running his furnace on glyc from his original
  two-stage process (base-base), which gives thin glyc, but he said he
  stopped doing it because the glyc left a deposit which kept clogging
  the furnace. It's a problem that's worth trying to crack. Please keep
  the list informed - also on progress with WVO as heating fuel.

  Someone suggested to me that the glyc might best be used as a binding
  agent to make sawdust pellets for stoves. Todd mentioned mixing it
  with sawdust, but didn't say more - what then, Todd? A caution though
  - the National Toxicology  Program has listed wood dust as a
  carcinogen, because of the danger of arsenic and chemical additives.

  "Nominated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration based
  on IARC2 finding identification of sufficient evidence of
  carcinogenicity in human epidemiology studies and identifying wood
  dust as a Group 1- Known Human Carcinogen (Vol. 62, 1995). IARC
  listing based on increases in cancer, particularly cancer of the
  nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, associated with exposure to
  wood dust."

  See also: Carcinogen list may include wood dust, talc

  Burning arsenic-treated wood in a home furnace is a no-no.


  Keith Addison
  Journey to Forever
  Handmade Projects

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