Hello Barry

>Hi all,
>            I know you often hear this but I am a relatively new 
>member to the group who has been doing a lot of reading and thinking 
>about biodiesel.

Doesn't make you any the less welcome. :-)

>I have come to decision that I want to have a go at making biodiesel 
>as the petro stuff here in Australia is about AUD $0.99 per litre 
>($3.75 per Us gallon).  The funny thing here is that petrodiesel is 
>more expensive than gas (AUD $0.95) even though the refining process 
>is less.

I'm sure you'll find other reasons once you start doing it: fuel 
independence, useful waste-recycling, cutting pollution, cutting 
carbon emissions, generally making your eco-footprint that much 
smaller and being a better citizen of Planet Earth. Do it, you'll 
love it - biodiesel's lovely stuff.

>There are some things I can't find in the literature and I hope the 
>group can give me some answers..  I live in a typical suburban home 
>on a 1/4 acre block with neighbours on three side.  I am looking at 
>using 'used oil' to make biodiesel as I have access to used oil from 
>a local  shop.  My workshop is attached to my garage which is under 
>my house.
>Will my wife and children hate me because of the brewing biodiesel 
>odours wafting through the house?  Will my neighbours throw bricks??

We used to make it in the kitchen, no problem. I know one guy who 
makes it in his living room - threw out the TV and installed double 
processors instead (stereo?), said it was more fun to watch. He lives 
in an apartment. Someone else who lives in an apartment makes it in 
his bathroom. This is all waste oil, including tallow. I don't think 
you have much to worry about.

>When I make the biodiesel how much glycerine per litre can I expect 
>to produce?
>How much biodiesel can I expect from one litre of used oil?

Have a look at Aleks Kac's Foolproof method:

>I read that someone fitted a catalytic converter to their car to get 
>rid of the exhaust smell.  Would the odours of burnt biodiesel be 
>deemed, by some people,  to be offensive?

Check the picture on this page:

It's not an offensive smell, and it doesn't give people headaches. If 
you objected to biodiesel fumes as opposed to any kind of dinodiesel 
fumes, then you'd be strange. But some folks is strange.

> The vehicle I drive is a 3.0 litre turbo diesel with a computer 
>controlled injector pump and engine management system.  As far as 
>retarding the timing I can do none of that.  It is all controlled by 
>a little black box.  Does anyone know if I am likely to experience 
>problems with my vehicle management system using biodiesel?

Users with computer-controlled systems have reported no problems and 
smoother running. But of course that depends on the quality of your 
product. Mike Brownstone's recent message was apt: "Surprised, 
though, at how much care one has to take to do a
proper and reliable job.  My advise to anyone is to keep instruments clean
and don't hurry!!!"

All best

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

>Any input from the group would be greatly appreciated
>Barry Taylor

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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